SCRIPT: Bad parameter count (Count is 6, Should be 5): HELP!

When I Start My samp server.exe I Get Loads Of These Errors And I Know It's Something To Do With One Of My Scripts But I Don't Know What It Happens When My MapMods FS Appears In The List And At The End When Everything Has Loaded It Only Started Happening And I DOn't Know What I Added That Made It Do This

SCRIPT: Bad parameter count (Count is 6, Should be 5):
Anyone Had This Before?? If So HOW DID YOU FIX IT!!

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This means you have:

function(param, param, param, param, param, param);

But it's meant to be

function(param, param, param, param, param);

Thanks Now I Just Got To Find The Function But There's No 'Number of arguments does not match definition' Errors On Compile? So Whats Going On??

i have the same problem, but i cant find the Function

Originally Posted by Matej682
i have the same problem, but i cant find the Function
Same here...

I suppose that happens compiling using the 0.3 libraries, so check out which functions have been modified.

Originally Posted by [RSH
JayKay ]
Originally Posted by Matej682
i have the same problem, but i cant find the Function
Same here...
SAME! i get 50 errors like this one

Probably CreatePickup or SetPlayerMapIcon

Check them.

Have you updated your include files when you upgraded to 0.3, and then re-compiled the scripts you're using with those include files?

iam on a 0.2 server i just added some vehicles
and it gives me this error..

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