John Titor

Any of you guys read up on this dude ?

If not and you would like to well the site is HERE and you can find several videos on the tube:

John Titor, Time Traveler - coast to coast am - jun 12 09 PART_1

The start of a series of videos ^^, I'd skip to part 2 as the first video just talks sport and stuff.

It's about some guy that reckoned he was from the future, he made several predictions and gave out tons of information, too much to list here and to keep track of so check the sites and the videos if you want to know some of it.

I don't believe any of it to be honest, I'm the kind of person that needs visual proof but some people do think it's real as he was pretty damn clever with some of the stuff he said and some of it is actually quite interesting like the time travel part and how it worked.

I've readed a lot about time travel theory, it's quite interesting, but however, i myself don't believe in all these things either.

Originally Posted by Don Correlli
I've readed a lot about time travel theory, it's quite interesting, but however, i myself don't believe in all these things either.
Indeed it is a very interesting subject to me also.

I wonder how many people have actually took time to listen to the videos.

You should check out quantumphysics, such as quantumjumps, One quantum being at two spots at the same time, etc. Thats also really interesting and got to do with something like this ;p

The 11 Dimensions of Reality

What is quantum tunneling?
(even though that one is quite boring)

Oh well, can't find any better at the moment, only on german, but these are also interesting and have to do with time traveling, if ya interested though. The 11 dimensions are also quite interesting but all these stated points are not that relevant to what you posted, this is only a reference.

EDIT: This one is also pretty interesting: What the bleep do we know? Down the rabbit hole. part 1

Indeed some interesting theory in those videos, cheers for posting them.

There is more if you want?^^ lol.

EDIT: And yes people.. I am a learn addict^^

Im not a "nerd student", but i love to learn stuff about UFO's, Other dimensions, time travels.... weird stuff...

Originally Posted by Guedes_
Im not a "nerd student", but i love to learn stuff about UFO's, Other dimensions, time travels.... weird stuff...
Lets be friends? :P, nah really, I am really interested in topics like these. Its weird, sometimes I even talk about this during lunchtime at my study with my friend.. fail.^^ anyway, if anyone wants to chat around about this sometime, xfire: chaoshereistheexit

Originally Posted by [NT
Extremo ]
Originally Posted by Guedes_
Im not a "nerd student", but i love to learn stuff about UFO's, Other dimensions, time travels.... weird stuff...
Lets be friends? :P, nah really, I am really interested in topics like these. Its weird, sometimes I even talk about this during lunchtime at my study with my friend.. fail.^^ anyway, if anyone wants to chat around about this sometime, xfire: chaoshereistheexit

Added your msn :3

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