[Map] [MAP] Docktower!

Hello everybody, and thank you!
This is my second map i have created, in my entire mapping experience. I have been mapping no more then one day, and after a while of thinking. I came up with the awesome dock tower thingy. It's a place in the ocean, with rocks and grass. You can climb up the stairs, then walk on the bridge and you will see the dock tower.

Time it took me to make : Hmm, i did not count by about 40 minutes, or 50 minutes.
Location : Just a bit ahead of the pier at Santa Marina beach. Jump off the pier and start swimming forward and to the right a bit. I suggest you get there by boat, it's not that far but you know.
Recommendations : I suggest you use this map for a roleplay script, it has a guard room so it can be for like a faction that works there. I also suggest this for a freeroam script. Deathmatch will work to. I find it a good place to hide from cops, in roleplay servers to.

Anyways, if you are going to use this for your server then please also post the IP of the server you are using it for.

I uploaded just the map file, enjoy.
If you are a experienced mapper please PM me, i want to have a realtion ship since i am a newblet mapper.

Here are some crappy pictures, all in one.
Sorry, i am not good with pics.

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  CreateObject(970, 636.095703125, -2425.2314453125, 6.7389812469482, 0.000000, 0.000000, 188.5693359375); //
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  CreateObject(5837, 630.78594970703, -2392.3845214844, 8.709508895874, 0.000000, 0.000000, 136.96502685547); //

You should upload some pictures

Will make people use it etc

Originally Posted by Mive
You should upload some pictures

Will make people use it etc
Well, i honestely don't know "how" to take them.
By MTA or sa mp.
I don't know, i am lazy and busy.

Originally Posted by Sal_Kings
Originally Posted by Mive
You should upload some pictures

Will make people use it etc
Well, i honestely don't know "how" to take them.
By MTA or sa mp.
I don't know, i am lazy and busy.
You put your objects on your server, go in-game, press F8. Then find the pictures in the gta folder. Upload them and then put in in the post.

And as i said before, uploading pictures will make people use your map

Originally Posted by Mive
Originally Posted by Sal_Kings
Originally Posted by Mive
You should upload some pictures

Will make people use it etc
Well, i honestely don't know "how" to take them.
By MTA or sa mp.
I don't know, i am lazy and busy.
You put your objects on your server, go in-game, press F8. Then find the pictures in the gta folder. Upload them and then put in in the post.

And as i said before, uploading pictures will make people use your map
Again, i am a total noob at mapping.
I don't know how to use the map for my sa mp server sadly.

well if everything fails you could use ... xD

Good but you need to put some screens please!

Originally Posted by Virtual1ty
well if everything fails you could use ... xD
I am not good at getting screens, because it sucks to get it while just standing.
I need like a camera mod, that takes away the white lines.

I added some pics.

Originally Posted by Sal_Kings
Originally Posted by Mive
Originally Posted by Sal_Kings
Originally Posted by Mive
You should upload some pictures

Will make people use it etc
Well, i honestely don't know "how" to take them.
By MTA or sa mp.
I don't know, i am lazy and busy.
You put your objects on your server, go in-game, press F8. Then find the pictures in the gta folder. Upload them and then put in in the post.

And as i said before, uploading pictures will make people use your map
Again, i am a total noob at mapping.
I don't know how to use the map for my sa mp server sadly.
well why u release sumin then if u dunno really how to publish it so ppl startint to like it...
tho i think the map is okay

nice map

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