
unsure if this is correct place to post this but anyway, in singleplayer my FPS is fine, 40-60, but when i join an SA-MP game my FPS goes to 8-9 and just stays below 10-11, i uninstalled my game for ages, and recently reinstalled it was fine before, why am i having this problem playing online?

Originally Posted by phoenix1013
unsure if this is correct place to post this but anyway, in singleplayer my FPS is fine, 40-60, but when i join an SA-MP game my FPS goes to 8-9 and just stays below 10-11, i uninstalled my game for ages, and recently reinstalled it was fine before, why am i having this problem playing online?
im guessing it is the lack of NPC's and more human players, script, and shops n stuff

i dont know how to fix it though

after messing around with it, a reboot or 2 and reinstalling direct x, it seems to be mostly fixed, it still slows down roughly every 10 mins but only for a couple seconds, which is livable

Originally Posted by phoenix1013
after messing around with it, a reboot or 2 and reinstalling direct x, it seems to be mostly fixed, it still slows down roughly every 10 mins but only for a couple seconds, which is livable
have you checked your CPU usage? if you are running multiple programs your computer will run slow

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