Animation while in car

i use so that when you enter a car you must hotwire it but when you hotwire the first time the Animation doesn't apply but the second time it does and its fine from then on but its the first time you try a Animation enter your server and try a Animation if it doesn't work do it again and it will work. my codes fine but if you insist to see it ill show you.

has anyone else had this?

yes, i had it in [SAP], i tries /anim sit_l, it dosent work at first try but it works in the second

i have the same problem when i purchase something from a 24/7 shop the animation i've applied doesnt work, until the second purchase.

It is possible, you need to look for all animations that exist on SA-MP, you have many of them to use on cars.

Apply it twice, the library needs loading first.

Take a look in 'actions.pwn' in your filterscripts folder for an example.

Originally Posted by Donny
Apply it twice, the library needs loading first.

Take a look in 'actions.pwn' in your filterscripts folder for an example.
cheers i never looked in it before lol

I have always had this problem with the soul, can 'be solved by starting all animations in OnPlayerConnect just having the code 4.1,0,0,0,0,0

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