Weather blender

This new feature in RC9-1 is awesome, anyway, there are many servers using their own clock for real time. There is actually no workaround to use weather blender without having GTA clock displayed. So please, if this feature has been already added, may this effect be also allowed without toggling player clock on? Or maybe a supplementary parameter to the SetWeather function would be welcomed.

Thanks to developers for their job,

I cant see the difference. When i change weather it changed it imidiately, and not smothly/slowly!

I dont understand What this new thing do?

Do you have a clock?

Anyway, idk what this is for a feature. do this change the weather smooth?

Originally Posted by Cedimedi
Do you have a clock?

Anyway, idk what this is for a feature. do this change the weather smooth?
It changes the weather smooth at night/day differents etc.


SA:MP 0.3 RC9 Weather Blending

Originally Posted by Jay_
Ah, cool, thanks for the video.

Going to use of course.

Thanks Jay_, that's the perfect example of it lol.

With this you could make variable weather that travels from part to part of San Andreas, like a rain cloud the runs south.

:O stole my idea :P am gonna have different cities each with random weathers so gonna be cool xD shame about having to use the clock tho

Ehm this don't work on my server, it just freeze the current weather for 20 seconds if i change weather. Only after that 20 seconds the other weather will appear, but without smooth change. The clock go too 1 hour back

I just used TogglePlayerClock(playerid, 1); in onplayerrequestclass

You need to be syncing each player clock all the time if you want that all of your players have the same daytime. I find this useful because it changes weather regarding on where you are like in SP, so weather is not the same anywhere.

:O This is good stuff!
Thx for the vid Jay, very nice.

Yea, its very good thing. But how can i set the one ant the same time for all players ("server time"). If i put SetPlayerTime under forwarded public ... timer for the time, than my weather changing instantly instead of gradually.

argh, 0.3 is under feature lookdown but i would love to see ToogleDynamicWeather

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