[FilterScript] [FS]ClickAdminSystem

[FS]ClickAdminSystem by Famas
Only works in SA-MP 0.3
Quick basics (rcon)admin commands use by simples clicks

How to install:

Click on the link and download the file, then put the .pwn and .amx files in you filterscripts folder

How to use:

Connect to rcon admin, open the score board and click on one of the players, a list of commands will appear
I hope you enjoy this, leave comments if you want(it's my first FS)

What are the commands?

Goto, Gethere, Kick, Ban.
Not a lot but if you have ideas...

If it's RCON admin commands how can you use goto gethere? Who will it teleport?

goto will teleport player who has clicked
gethere will teleport clicked player to player, who clicked

this fs doesn't have commands, it's with gui

83 Lines for Admin FS?

Well,Anyway,if you said its simple..

It's not the rcon commands but commands can be used only by rcon admin

Oh, you should make one with user accounts, that saves money,score,etc...

Ok i make it
But save in a folder? I can make comands for change money, level, etc... from the click

#include <a_samp>

new admin_dialogid, ban_dialogid, kick_dialogid, tele_interior;
new Float:tele_x, Float:tele_y, Float:tele_z;
new boxstring[256], liststring[128], dialog_string[128];
new dialog_aName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], dialog_pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], clicked[MAX_PLAYERS];

public OnFilterScriptInit()
	print(" [FS] basic click admin by Famas");
	liststring = "\tGoto\n\tBring\n\tKick\n\tKick (enter reason)\n\tBan\n\tBan (enter reason)";
	return 1;

public OnPlayerClickPlayer(playerid, clickedplayerid, source)
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, admin_dialogid, 2, "Admin Menu", liststring, "Select", "Cancel");
		clicked[playerid] = clickedplayerid;
	return 1;

public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
// =====================[ admin menu 1 - dialog box 0 ]=========================
	if(dialogid == admin_dialogid)
		  if( !response ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF6347AA, "You selected cancel!");
				GetPlayerName(playerid, dialog_aName, sizeof(dialog_aName));
				GetPlayerName(clicked[playerid], dialog_pName, sizeof(dialog_pName));
     		if(listitem == 0)
					tele_interior = GetPlayerInterior(clicked[playerid]);
					GetPlayerPos(clicked[playerid], tele_x, tele_y, tele_z);
					SetPlayerPos(playerid, tele_x+0.5, tele_y, tele_z);
					SetPlayerInterior(playerid, tele_interior);
					format(dialog_string, sizeof(dialog_string),"You teleported to %s ", dialog_pName);
					SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF6347AA, dialog_string);
					return 1;
   			else if(listitem == 1)
					tele_interior = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);
					GetPlayerPos(playerid, tele_x, tele_y, tele_z);
					SetPlayerPos(clicked[playerid], tele_x+0.5, tele_y, tele_z);
					SetPlayerInterior(clicked[playerid], tele_interior);
					format(dialog_string, sizeof(dialog_string),"You teleported %s ", dialog_pName);
					SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF6347AA, dialog_string);
					return 1;
				else if(listitem == 2)
  					format(dialog_string, sizeof(dialog_string),"%s has been kicked by admin %s ", dialog_pName, dialog_aName);
  					SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF6347AA, dialog_string);
  					return 1;
				else if(listitem == 3)
          format(boxstring, sizeof(boxstring), "Player to Kick:\t%s\nReason:\n", dialog_pName);
          ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, kick_dialogid, 1, "Kick Reason", boxstring, "Kick", "Cancel");
  					return 1;
				else if(listitem == 4)
	  			if( IsPlayerAdmin( clicked[playerid] ) )
					return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF6347AA, "You cannot ban RCON admin!");
					format(dialog_string, sizeof(dialog_string), "%s has been banned by admin %s ", dialog_pName, dialog_aName );
					SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF6347AA, dialog_string);
					return 1;
				else if(listitem == 5)
          format(boxstring, sizeof(boxstring), "Player to ban:\t%s\nReason:\n", dialog_pName);
          ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, ban_dialogid, 1, "Ban Reason", boxstring, "Ban", "Cancel");
  					return 1;
		return 1;
// =====================[ ban reason - dialog box 1 ]=========================
	if(dialogid == ban_dialogid)
		  if( !response ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF6347AA, "You selected cancel!");
				GetPlayerName(playerid, dialog_aName, sizeof(dialog_aName));
				GetPlayerName(clicked[playerid], dialog_pName, sizeof(dialog_pName));
				if( IsPlayerAdmin( clicked[playerid] ) )
				return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF6347AA, "You cannot ban RCON admin!");
				format(dialog_string, sizeof(dialog_string), "%s has been banned! (%s:%s)", dialog_pName, dialog_aName, inputtext);
				SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF6347AA, dialog_string);
				return 1;
		return 1;
// =====================[ kick reason - dialog box 2 ]=========================
	if(dialogid == kick_dialogid)
		  if( !response ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF6347AA, "You selected cancel!");
				GetPlayerName(playerid, dialog_aName, sizeof(dialog_aName));
				GetPlayerName(clicked[playerid], dialog_pName, sizeof(dialog_pName));
				if( IsPlayerAdmin( clicked[playerid] ) )
				return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF6347AA, "You cannot kick RCON admin!");
				format(dialog_string, sizeof(dialog_string), "%s has been kicked! (%s:%s)", dialog_pName, dialog_aName, inputtext);
				SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF6347AA, dialog_string);
				return 1;
		return 1;
	return 0;

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