05.10.2009, 16:52
Heres my problem..
im trying to create some simple stats system saving Spawnlocation, a special permission and his/her vehicles. But i even fail at the beginning D:
Iґve done this:
Playerfile is definied: #define PlayerFile "users/%s.ini"
I want a file with the userґs name created at OnPlayerConnect. What am I doing wrong? D:
im trying to create some simple stats system saving Spawnlocation, a special permission and his/her vehicles. But i even fail at the beginning D:
Iґve done this:
new playername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[48] if(dini_Exists(PlayerFile)) { // the file "file.ini" exists in the folder "folder" } else { // the file "file.ini" doesn't exist in the folder "folder" }
I want a file with the userґs name created at OnPlayerConnect. What am I doing wrong? D: