0.3 Bug Please Comfirm

If You Get A Baggage Handler And You Add 2 Trollys To The Back Of It E.g Baggage Trailer A And Baggage B And You Drive The Baggage Car The Second Baggage Trailer Respawns Very Quick (About 1 min)But The First One Stays Attached But If Your Not Driving The Baggage Trailer It Dose Not Respawn

Please Check This For Your Self And Comfirm It For Me Please

Why Do You Talk Like This?

And I dont get ur problem

I don't realy think there is a problem.... when driving with more then one trailer (for example :bagagge thingy but can also be cars) sa-mp kinda sees only the one attached first to the vehicle as 'active'... the others are like dead weight moving away from there original spawn position, so they respawn quick.

I don't think it's a 0.3 bug since I noticed it in 0.2

Grts Riz

ok i can confirm this bug and it never happened in 0.2 as in 0.2 i had about 11 baggage trailers they worked fine but since you add 2 or more baggage trailers only the 1st one stays when you start moving the rest just respawn

You guys are using 'Createvehicle' and not 'Addstaticvehicle' ? since createvehicle has a timer... and I have it set on a few min no problems here

Grts Riz

ah yes you may be correct as this was only tested with debug

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