
hey hi dude i wana help for when i start samp than i make my new server if i want to take that server into internet list or hosted list how can i do plsss help me guys

Replay me soon as soon u can do it

you automatically go to internet list.

Hosted lists are availible from ServerFFS.

well you could host it from your PC till u get a few players and if u have enuff ask them to donate, or just pay with some money you earn

You wont be able to see your server at the Internet list for some reasons, Only others can see.

You can join your server by adding To your favorites list which is currently your Localhost IP Address, If you give the Localhost IP Address to your Friends, it will not work... You will need to give them your Master IP Address, Get that from http://canyouseeme.org

I hope this reply Helps you alot.


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