SA-MP 0.3.7 R4 client update (strongly recommended)

Originally Posted by feheristi97
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If you don't know what you talking about then don't comment. Without this community SA-MP would be nowhere today. The community never had the chance to give any suggestions, whatever we asked for we never got them in the updates. We grew up on this game and you are surprised that people are asking / spam when the next update is. There are people out there who would make more thing out of it, and he doesn't care about it. No wonder why people are ungrateful.
I know very well what I'm talking about, I've been here since before this mod even was a thing, following Kye over to this. The end of this mod was very evident years ago, you should've just cut your losses and quit back then to find peace.

The mentality of this community killed this mod in the end, because you got offered a peace proposal but you wanted more.

Get over it, the ship sunk. Wouldn't be surprised if the server hosting for this has already been cancelled and you'll one day wake up to everything gone.

It seems to me that surrendering in such a situation, and without adding anything new to this modification is simply a lack of interest on the part of Kalcor, I will add that this mod has awesome power so I am another person who is in favor of continuation despite the fact that I know that It's not gonna happen.

Originally Posted by FufLa
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I know very well what I'm talking about, I've been here since before this mod even was a thing, following Kye over to this. The end of this mod was very evident years ago, you should've just cut your losses and quit back then to find peace.

The mentality of this community killed this mod in the end, because you got offered a peace proposal but you wanted more.

Get over it, the ship sunk. Wouldn't be surprised if the server hosting for this has already been cancelled and you'll one day wake up to everything gone.
You are wrong with everything what you talking about. The community was never involved in the development only those people who owned the big servers. They had the rights to make the decisions in everything and Kalcor listened to them. We never got an official answer what is going to happen. You know when he released the DL version that was a huge update for everyone. Every server owner was excited, people were planning new gamemodes, scripts and updates, and he just gave it all up. It's probably because of $.

Nothing is going to be deleted. There are way too many informations here, no point for him to delete all that.

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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Previous versions of the SA-MP client should no longer be used.
Why so little interest in the 0.3dl version?

Originally Posted by WestonL
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0.3DL is kinda pointless, rather he move to 0.3.9 which would be a good combo of DL and 0.3.7 no use further developing a concept thats bleeding players. most of SAMP's playerbase resides in 0.3.7 like it or not. most SAMP's playerbase are either Asian, Eastern Europe, Middle East and African and mostly under 18, so these people have computers that can barely run GTA properly most you're average SAMP these days is interested in 2 things money, and shooting of course if im referring to RP servers so yeah. like i said rather he focuses on the future its pointless to further develop a concept like 0.3DL that can barely retain its player-base when most players arent interested in "serious" rp. most of the "serious" rpers come from Western Europe and North America and they've simply moved on from SAMP thats a fact many do not want to accept like it or not.
AfricanSpecialForces a.k.a Weston Lockeheed, Kalcor has stopped developing new versions, he said he is going to be adding Security Updates or Client Updates either its a fix to a bug or a security problem. I don't really have hope in 0.3.9 as they'll be remaining two separate versions.

A small note to the other people: Without Kalcor, SA-MP wouldn't be a thing, actually he has done a lot from the beginning of SA-MP and we should all really appreciate that and thank him for whatever he has done. If you really think spamming will work, then you should get over it and just ignore it, act like DL was never a thing.

Now we're in the end of this journey..

It's hard to see this community is going down because of the people are spamming #SaveDL and now the creator of this mod is not interested anymore to make new update

We don't have any idea i think the new version of sa-mp will be like a surprise lol

Kalcor, why server rejecting connection on Ubuntu 16.04(With last updates) and Ubuntu 18.04 and further releases when you entering to it(You can enter for 10 seconds if you lucky but after starting packet loss and writing in chat server is restarting or unacceptable nickname)? I don't know what to do.

Originally Posted by Cherbet
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Kalcor, why server rejecting connection on Ubuntu 16.04(With last updates) and Ubuntu 18.04 and further releases when you entering to it(You can enter for 10 seconds if you lucky but after starting packet loss and writing in chat server is restarting or unacceptable nickname)? I don't know what to do.
Upgrading the kernel of your Linux server seems to solve this. 5.X works for me.

Originally Posted by 4D1L
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Upgrading the kernel of your Linux server seems to solve this. 5.X works for me.
Sooo, installed HWE kernel(5.3) in Ubuntu 18.04 server(With last updates) instead of stock 4.15 and issue solved! Thanks mate.

Originally Posted by DaZzY
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We don't have any idea i think the new version of sa-mp will be like a surprise lol
No, he's done with it.

Originally Posted by feheristi97
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No, he's done with it.
and sa-mp going to die that true ? i script on server for Nothing

to be continued?

San Andreas Multiplayer should be open-source!

Originally Posted by DaZzY
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and sa-mp going to die that true ? i script on server for Nothing
Many players will never stop playing SA-MP, so it's unlikely it will ever completely die.

somebody did get forget this game

why have you disabled internet tab, on lasted version of samp?

Originally Posted by RedMF
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why have you disabled internet tab, on lasted version of samp?
because you can't read

We can read. However we would love the Internet tab back, since new servers can not get players and Hosted tab is sold out everywhere.

Originally Posted by _GHT_MarK445
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We can read. However we would love the Internet tab back, since new servers can not get players and Hosted tab is sold out everywhere.
I think they killing sa-mp slowly ...

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