save amount

Hello! Is there any way to save the amount of damage to a player variable?

I've tried this form but it doesn't work:

PHP Code:
public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playeridissuerid,Floatamountweaponid)
if (
issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
PlayerInfo[playerid][TotalDMG] = ++amount;

I need save all the damage one does to another player for a top, but this shows the error:

PHP Code:
C:\Users\thef\Escritorio\SERVER\gamemodes\game.pwn(849) : warning 213tag mismatchexpected tag none ("_"), but found "Float" 

`TotalDMG` should have Float: tag
pawn Code:
PlayerInfo[playerid][TotalDMG] += amount;
// is equivalent to
PlayerInfo[playerid][TotalDMG] = PlayerInfo[playerid][TotalDMG] + amount;

Originally Posted by Calisthenics
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`TotalDMG` should have Float: tag
pawn Code:
PlayerInfo[playerid][TotalDMG] += amount;
// is equivalent to
PlayerInfo[playerid][TotalDMG] = PlayerInfo[playerid][TotalDMG] + amount;
Thank you very much! I also have another problem. I have a PlayerText that indicates the fps, ping and packetloss for each player. The problem is that if I connect and then someone connects, that someone doesn't show up but I do. Even if the other one is id 0 and I'm 1.

PHP Code:
new PlayerText:Textdraw0[MAX_PLAYERS]; 
stock in OnPlayerConnect:

PHP Code:
stock PlayerTextdrawing(playerid)
Textdraw0[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid540.0000000.000000"FPS:000 Ping:000 PL:0.00");
PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playeridTextdraw0[playerid], 255);
PlayerTextDrawFont(playeridTextdraw0[playerid], 1);
PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playeridTextdraw0[playerid], 0.2199991.100000);
PlayerTextDrawColor(playeridTextdraw0[playerid], -1);
PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playeridTextdraw0[playerid], 0);
PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playeridTextdraw0[playerid], 1);
PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playeridTextdraw0[playerid], 0);

And the showtextdraw in the teams:

PHP Code:

PHP Code:
    new str[25];
format(strsizeof(str), "FPS:%d Ping:%d PL:%.2f"GetPlayerFPS(playerid), GetPlayerPing(playerid), NetStats_PacketLossPercent(playerid));
PlayerTextDrawSetString(playeridTextdraw0[playerid], str); 

Originally Posted by Vy
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The problem is that if I connect and then someone connects, that someone doesn't show up but I do. Even if the other one is id 0 and I'm 1.
What do you mean it does not show up? The player-textdraw? Are you sure `PlayerTextDrawShow` is executed correctly when choosing a team?

Originally Posted by Calisthenics
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What do you mean it does not show up? The player-textdraw? Are you sure `PlayerTextDrawShow` is executed correctly when choosing a team?
Yes. I think the problem is the format of the textdraw. I have put the PlayerTextDrawshow in the OnPlayerConnect and work perfect for me but for the other no. I have 2 playertextdraws, the dmg and the fps. The dmg shows perfectly and the mates too but the textdraw fps no. Idk why

If it is not shown at all, the formatting should not be the problem. You can try set textdraw string and re-show it.

Originally Posted by Calisthenics
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If it is not shown at all, the formatting should not be the problem. You can try set textdraw string and re-show it.
Fixed. It was the position of the textdraw. In Y:0 it didn't work but yes when I put in 5


Sorry for repost! I have other problem.

In the top, the damage is reversed. If I have 150 damage and Carl 40, he gets my 150 damages and I get his 40.

PHP Code:
format(messagesizeof (message), "#%d %s(%d) with %d Kills and %.0f total dmg"1player_nametop_kills[i][1], top_kills[i][0], PlayerInfo[i][TotalDMG]); 
In the OnPlayerTakeDamage i save only the issuerid

Do you sort `top_kills` array? Can you post the code?

Originally Posted by Calisthenics
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Do you sort `top_kills` array? Can you post the code?
i fixed that, thanks anyway

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