IRC Operator check?

Im using IRC Plugin, and i was wondering, is there anything that checks if(IrcOperatorIsOnline) ?

You could use this plugin

And with IRC_OnUserJoinChannel(botid, channel[], user[], host[]) and set a 5 second timer and then check if he's an op. If yes, then make something like OnlineOps++; and if its positive, one or more ops are online. The timer is required because the callback is probably called at the point of a user connect, when the user has no mode yet.

Also, there is no possible way to loop through users

Im using Jacobs plugin, i wont change the plugin to toher one, cause of my huge IRC system lol. Isnt there one to Jacobs plugin?

pawn Код:
ircIsOp(conn, channel[], user[])
    new ircLevel[4];
    ircGetUserLevel(conn, channel, user, ircLevel);
    if(!strcmp(ircLevel, "~", true, 1) || !strcmp(ircLevel, "&", true, 1) || !strcmp(ircLevel, "@", true, 1)) return 1;
    return 0;

And how will a player ingame execute that function ?

Who's saying he wants someone to execute it from ingame?!

Edit: Also it's quite easy to execute stuff on IRC from In-Game if you have an inbuilt IRC handler .. which I do.

What's the point of executing it via irc, if you can see user modes -.-'

Think some more before you post, etc.

Enlight me

Originally Posted by » Pawnst★r «
pawn Код:
ircIsOp(conn, channel[], user[])
    new ircLevel[4];
    ircGetUserLevel(conn, channel, user, ircLevel);
    if(!strcmp(ircLevel, "~", true, 1) || !strcmp(ircLevel, "&", true, 1) || !strcmp(ircLevel, "@", true, 1)) return 1;
    return 0;
My point is that IG you make /irc [text] and it checks is on that channel any operator, if not, then Sendclientmessage return true;

How do i do that? if(ircIsOp) ?

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