Letter/Characters are to small in the chatbox of the 0.3 beta

Hi. I didn't knew where to post this if I posted in the wrong section I'm trully sorry then.

Anyways the 0.3 beta is really cool but the problem is that in 0.2 I had my resolution on 1152*.. (dunno) and the graphic and characters/letters were great! But in 0.3 I had the same resolution and the graphic sucks (sorry but it really does) and the characters/letters in the chatbox are so small I can't read them. Then I set my graphic resolution to highest (1620*smth..dunno) And the graphic was great. It look a lot more realistic but the characters/letter are again small in the chatbox.

Now the question is.

How do you make the characters/letters bigger ?

PLease help me.

Thank you.

Bigger things = lower resolution.

Wrong for me .. I had resolution 1152*... and it was smaller than 1628...

Originally Posted by xXiamCr4zyXx
my resolution on 1152*..
(1152x864) I have same resolution, and everything is fine.
For my opinion, characters/lettes looks better than in 0.2... versions
I have a screenshot, how it looks:

[img width=200]http://i33.tinypic.com/v3lvt1.jpg[/img]

We just need to get used to new font/size

The new font size is MUCH better than in 02x

Agree robo
but they should able to select their font size

imo the 0.2X font was better.

meh i love the map blip though xP

post your usless complaints here

ex. in the trash

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