flashing names help

/* flashcolor.inc
 * © Copyright 2009, Emilio "Correlli" Lovriж

#if defined _flashcolor_included
#define _flashcolor_included
#pragma library flashcolor

// colors.
#if !defined COLOR_BLUE
	#define COLOR_BLUE 0x36A5C2AA

#if !defined COLOR_RED
	#define COLOR_RED 0xFF0000AA

// one second (1000 miliseconds).
#if !defined SECOND
	#define SECOND 1000

// variables.
new FlashColor[MAX_PLAYERS];
new FlashTimer[MAX_PLAYERS];

// forwards.
forward FlashFunc(playerid, color1, color2);
forward SetPlayerFlashColor(playerid, time_delay, repeat, color1, color2);
forward SetPlayerFlashColorForAll(time_delay, repeat, color1, color2);
forward KillFlashColor(playerid);
forward flash_OnPlayerConnect(playerid);
forward flash_OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason);

// FlashFunc timer (don't change anything here).
public FlashFunc(playerid, color1, color2)
  	if(GetPlayerColor(playerid) == color1)
  		SetPlayerColor(playerid, color2);
  	else if(GetPlayerColor(playerid) == color2)
  		SetPlayerColor(playerid, color1);
  return 0;

/* SetPlayerFlashColor:
 * Explanation: this function will flash player's color from color1 to color2.
 * @playerid - id of the player you want set flash color.
 * @time_delay - timer interval, you can set speed of changing (make sure you'll set timer_delay at least
 				 1000 miliseconds (1 second)).
 * @repeat - if you're using SetPlayerFlashColor in timer then put 0 (don't repeat),
			 but if you're using it at OnPlayerSpawn or any other callback like that,
			 then set repeat to 1 (repeat).
 * @color1 - color1 in hexadecimal code.
 * @color2 - color2 in hexadecimal code.
public SetPlayerFlashColor(playerid, time_delay, repeat, color1, color2)
  if((repeat == 0) || (repeat == 1))
  	if(time_delay < SECOND)
  		printf("Error: timer_delay at SetPlayerFlashColor can't be less than 1 second! Auto-setting it to 1 second.");
  			if(FlashColor[playerid] == 0)
  			SetPlayerColor(playerid, color1);
  			FlashColor[playerid] = true;
  			if(repeat == 1) FlashTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("FlashFunc", SECOND, 1, "ixx", playerid, color1, color2);
  		else if(FlashColor[playerid] == 1)
  			FlashTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("FlashFunc", SECOND, repeat, "ixx", playerid, color1, color2);
  		if(FlashColor[playerid] == 0)
  			SetPlayerColor(playerid, color1);
  			FlashColor[playerid] = true;
  			if(repeat == 1) FlashTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("FlashFunc", time_delay, 1, "ixx", playerid, color1, color2);
  			else if(FlashColor[playerid] == 1)
  			FlashTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("FlashFunc", time_delay, repeat, "ixx", playerid, color1, color2);
  	printf("Error: repeat at SetPlayerFlashColor must be setted to 0 or 1. Auto-setting it to 1 (repeating).");
  	if(time_delay < SECOND)
  		printf("Error: timer_delay at SetPlayerFlashColor can't be less than 1 second! Auto-setting it to 1 second.");
  		if(FlashColor[playerid] == 0)
  			SetPlayerColor(playerid, color2);
  			FlashColor[playerid] = true;
  			if(repeat == 1) FlashTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("FlashFunc", SECOND, 1, "ixx", playerid, color1, color2);
  		else if(FlashColor[playerid] == 1)
  			FlashTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("FlashFunc", SECOND, 1, "ixx", playerid, color1, color2);
  		if(FlashColor[playerid] == 0)
				SetPlayerColor(playerid, color2);
  			FlashColor[playerid] = true;
  			if(repeat == 1) FlashTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("FlashFunc", time_delay, 1, "ixx", playerid, color1, color2);
  		else if(FlashColor[playerid] == 1)
  			FlashTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("FlashFunc", time_delay, 1, "ixx", playerid, color1, color2);
  return 1;

/* SetPlayerFlashColorForAll:
 * Explanation: this function will flash all player's color from color1 to color2.
 * @time_delay - timer interval, you can set speed of changing (make sure you'll set timer_delay at least
 				 1000 miliseconds (1 second)).
 * @repeat - if you're using SetPlayerFlashColor in timer then put 0 (don't repeat),
			 but if you're using it at OnPlayerSpawn or any other callback like that,
			 then set repeat to 1 (repeat).
 * @color1 - color1 in hexadecimal code.
 * @color2 - color2 in hexadecimal code.
public SetPlayerFlashColorForAll(time_delay, repeat, color1, color2)
  if((repeat == 0) || (repeat == 1))
  	if(time_delay < SECOND)
  		printf("Error: timer_delay at SetPlayerFlashColorForAll can't be less than 1 second! Auto-setting it to 1 second.");
  		for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
  			if(FlashColor[i] == 0)
  				SetPlayerColor(i, color2);
  				FlashColor[i] = true;
  				if(repeat == 1) FlashTimer[i] = SetTimerEx("FlashFunc", SECOND, 1, "ixx", i, color1, color2);
  			else if(FlashColor[i] == 1)
  				FlashTimer[i] = SetTimerEx("FlashFunc", SECOND, repeat, "ixx", i, color1, color2);
  		for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
  			if(FlashColor[i] == 0)
  				SetPlayerColor(i, color2);
  				FlashColor[i] = true;
  				if(repeat == 1) FlashTimer[i] = SetTimerEx("FlashFunc", time_delay, 1, "ixx", i, color1, color2);
  			else if(FlashColor[i] == 1)
  				FlashTimer[i] = SetTimerEx("FlashFunc", time_delay, repeat, "ixx", i, color1, color2);
  	printf("Error: repeat at SetPlayerFlashColorForAll must be setted to 0 or 1. Auto-setting it to 1 (repeating).");
  	if(time_delay < SECOND)
  		printf("Error: timer_delay at SetPlayerFlashColorForAll can't be less than 1 second! Auto-setting it to 1 second.");
  		for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
  			if(FlashColor[i] == 0)
  				SetPlayerColor(i, color2);
  				FlashColor[i] = true;
  				if(repeat == 1) FlashTimer[i] = SetTimerEx("FlashFunc", SECOND, 1, "ixx", i, color1, color2);
  			else if(FlashColor[i] == 1)
  				FlashTimer[i] = SetTimerEx("FlashFunc", SECOND, 1, "ixx", i, color1, color2);
  		for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
  			if(FlashColor[i] == 0)
  				SetPlayerColor(i, color2);
  				FlashColor[i] = true;
  				if(repeat == 1) FlashTimer[i] = SetTimerEx("FlashFunc", time_delay, 1, "ixx", i, color1, color2);
  			else if(FlashColor[i] == 1)
  				FlashTimer[i] = SetTimerEx("FlashFunc", time_delay, 1, "ixx", i, color1, color2);
  return 1;

public KillFlashColor(playerid)
  FlashColor[playerid] = false;
  return 1;

// OnConnect callback.
public flash_OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
  FlashColor[playerid] = false; // never remove this (okay, it could be only at Connect or Disconnect, not in both callbacks).
  return 1;

// OnDisconnect callback.
public flash_OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
  return 1;
i use this inc for flashing names but how do i set just 2 peoples names to flash with it

bump help just need to now how to set it out for one name

another bump

why !ifdefine blue blabla
!ifdefine red blabla youre now saying that it needs to set 2 colors to one name :S or something

I don't really get your problem, try to explain it. And next time post in the release topic.

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