[Question] How i fix this/

warning 206: redundant test: constant expression is non-zero
this happents on this line: if(tmp, OpenA, true)

redundant test: constant expression is non-zero

Where a conditional expression was expected, a constant expression
with a non-zero value was found, e.g. if (1). The test is
redundant, because the conditional code is always executed.
To create an endless loop, use for ( ;; ) instead of while (1).
Copied from the pawn-lang.pdf.

Meaning your if operator is useless, it will always be executed.

so , how i can fix this? xd

What should that code do?

Well it's a chat actvity, there is a question, first one who answer correct, win.

tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
OpenPA[playerid] = strval(tmp);
SCM(playerid, GREEN, "You have send your answer.");
if(tmp, OpenA, true)
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if( i != playerid)
if(OpenPA[i], OpenA, true)
OpenPA[playerid] = 999;
else OpenPA[i] = 999;


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