help with Temp ban

I downloaded a few days ago of FS Temp Ban Ba But when I give someone Bun so it gives everyone = \


this is the stock:
stock TempBanCheck(playerid)
	new ip[15];
	new str[128];
	new load[4][32];
	new ban_day, ban_month, ban_year, ban_ip[15];
	GetPlayerIp(playerid, ip, sizeof ip);
	new year, month, day;
	getdate(year, month, day);
	new File:file = fopen("TempBans.ban",io_read);
	if (file)
	  while (fread(file, str, sizeof str))
	    split(str, load, '|');

	    ban_day = strval(load[0]);
	    ban_month = strval(load[1]);
	    ban_year = strval(load[2]);
	    strmid(ban_ip, load[3], 0, strlen(load[3])-1, 15);
	  	if (!(year >= ban_year && month >= ban_month && day >= ban_day && !strcmp(ban_ip, ip, true)))
	  	  format(str, sizeof str, "you Are Banned: %d | %d | %d", ban_day, ban_month, ban_year);
	  	  SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BRIGHTRED, str);
	  	  return Kick(playerid);
	return true;

i tghout ban is already available in the server.... tghrou IP

tnx = ]

yes it is from your FS

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