Ultimate Roleplay [0.3.7/0.3DL]


_____Server Information_____
Website: theultimateroleplay.com
UCP: ucp.theultimateroleplay.com
Donate: shop.theultimateroleplay.com
Discord: discord.gg/nc9tnDV
Teamspeak: ts.theultimateroleplay.com

About the Ultimate Roleplay server - Ultimate Roleplay provides a fun, professional and family like atmosphere to all it’s new and existing players. It’s excitement stems from a quality level of role-playing that can be facilitated by the community’s diverse locations. In saying this, we’re happy to announce our newest expansion from Los Santos where players are now given the opportunity to experience and enjoy role-playing in the counties. However, there’s more, players can indeed benefit from other exciting and enjoyable features that the server provides.

Ultimate roleplay furniture system - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSDdsks9_W8
Cookies - When we talk about Ultimate Roleplay, there's a unique system known as cookies. Cookies are given by Admins whenever they wish to or they can be obtained in different ways for example, like winning in events. After obtaining a specific amount of cookies you can use them to purchase things by using a command in game called /usecookies. If you're able to reach 200 cookies, you may use them to get e.g a FREE HOUSE TICKET having a value upto $250,000.00. After you have used your cookies your account will be flagged with either a Vehicle/House/Business, whatever you have used them for. /report to claim your prize and an admin will come to your aid.

PM System - PM system otherwise known as Private Message can be used to communicate with players privately. It is an OOC chat and can be used by typing [/pm (Player ID) *Text*] CMD. A player can only access this command by reaching 10 playing hours in the server.

Dicebet - Love to gamble? We have a dicebet system which allows you to gamble and win cash against other players.

VIP - Being a VIP a player has several benefits. Every VIP status has it's own perks. There are three types of VIP status:

1. Limited VIP
2. Ultimate VIP
3. Legendary VIP

VIP can be acquired/obtained by making a donation to the server or by winning it as an EVENT Prize.

Land/Furniture System - Here comes pictures of our land system together with a video of our furniture system. The pictures and video will explain how they work aswell as how they look.

Ultimate Roleplay Land Previews


GPS System - Want to find your way around the server without help from a helper? Grab yourself a GPS! It will show you all kinds of locations along with where your properties are.

Jobs - We have a variety of legal and Illegal jobs to choose from.

Factions - We currently have 8 factions. We are hiring facion leaders! You can apply to lead a faction via our forums.

Gangs - We have a wide variety of gangs ranging from Bikers to Bloods - A turf system that come with perks such as materials, weapons and drugs that are placed directly into your gangs stash once a turf has been captured by your gang! Points also gives gangs perks such as turf tokens and gang points. Gang points can be used to upgrade things for your gang such as a dynamic duel arena for your gang to practice, increased gang slots for more members and increased assets for more cars and a higher level gang stash to hold more overall items. Bumped heads with a rival gang? You can offer a "war" with them using /gang war from there its on sight!

Events - In addition, players benefit from frequent events which in most cases occurs daily. These events varies from Team Death Match (TDM) Death Match Events (DM) Avoid The Plane (ATP) Races.

Dedicated players - Players are rewarded for their loyalty to the community. The server offers a dedicated player tag to any player that exceeds 250 hours playing on the server. These hours can be obtained simply by collecting your paycheck. The paycheck is given to each player at the starting of a new hour. In collecting your paycheck, the player will be able to capitalize on the hour being added to their stats [/stats]. The community believes in rewarding loyal players and as a result, after successfully competing 250 hours, they’ll be automatically assigned a Dedicated Player tag.

Moderator/Helpers - This server strives with proper effective and efficient leadership. With that being said, outside of actual administration we assign moderators and helpers who lead and assist players in making their ultimate transition. Our helper team consists of helpers who are willing and ready to assist with all queries whether privately [/helpme] or publicly [/n]. They are equipped with the necessary information which is needed to inform and answer all your questions. In addition, our Moderator team performs similar but more actions to the helper. The moderator assists admins as they’re viewed to be in the recruiting stage in becoming an admin. They assist in ensuring that players are being treated fairly and is able to enjoy what the server has to offer. Interested in becoming a member? The server is currently hiring members to be apart of both teams. However, they must meet the requirements which includes: Dedication to the server, being active, showing a high level of professionalism, ensuring they’re aware of all the server rules and is not a player that breaks any rules and is able to be flexible in terms of ensuring that the needs of players are being met at anytime while on the server.

Teamspeak - Teamspeak (TS3) is used for this account. The address and all other required addresses can be found simply by visiting our forum website or by simply typing [/info] while in game.
Discord - Like Teamspeak, our discord information can be found simply by visiting our forum website or by simply typing [/info] while in game.

Multimedia - Multimedia is always on the look-out for graphic designers and video designers aswell. We are currently looking for graphic designers mostly though, the application status is open at the moment so feel free to apply at any time on our forum.
Mapping - To be apart of the mapping team is not always that easy for everyone. We are currently looking for qualified mappers who are willing to put the time and effort into their mappings for the server, feel free to apply at anytime as STORE CREDIT will be given to all qualified and hired Multimedia and Mapping help.


_____Server Information_____
Website: theultimateroleplay.com
UCP: ucp.theultimateroleplay.com
Donate: shop.theultimateroleplay.com
Discord: discord.gg/nc9tnDV
Teamspeak: ts.theultimateroleplay.com


We at Ultimate Roleplay appreciate your time and look forward to seeing you in the game.



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