A desperate plea, from a passionate server developer

You've got a lot of influential English scripters in this thread asking for updates but it all somehow depends on 0.3e/0.3x users upgrading, Russians, LS-RP... etc.


On an ordinary SA map, after it has been removed, holes appear between the zones of the water, which cannot be filled with water. Should we expect to fix the described bugs in the new version?

Originally Posted by Felipe_Freeze
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Just launch a 0.4DL, where you can add new Cars and Weapons.
And see if it will not attract more servers to DL, and will not bring players here.
To be fair, this would be great, but is asking a lot.
It sounds simple to add custom vehicles and weapons, but it would require a lot of tinkering. You have to add custom handing config for example, and for weapons, bullet behaviour and sync would not be trivial to achieve.

What I'm proposing is the following plan:
  • Merge 0.3.7 with 0.3DL. Maybe I don't have all the info, but I just cannot see why you would create a split between those who get a new feature and those who don't. The biggest mistake, imho is that there is no compatibility. It's a new feature after all. You, as in the staff, should promote it. Make it be adopted. Get everyone on the version and those who don't want to use custom models can just opt not to include any in their gamemodes.
  • A new launcher with auto-update feature. It's just not that hard nowadays as it used to be to include updating to an app. There is an open-sourced sa:mp launcher out there. I suggest either forking it and tweaking it (because at least UI-wise it sucks imo) or working with a third party to get it out there. An auto-updater would go a long way in ensuring most players are on the latest version. Even with non-mandatory updates, when you see a popup which says there is a new version, you tend to click on Update.
  • Transparency and a roadmap. I Really do get it. This is your project and you owe nothing to us. You could just pull the plug tomorrow and we'd have nothing to do about it. But it's been almost 15 years since GTA:SA launched. It's no secret that this game and this mod are dying. It will die. Untill most players have the hardware required to run GTA V smoothly to be precise. My prediction is 5 years at most. So, I see four total ways this could go: you open-source the project and let everyone contribute and thus keep the innovation going, you just pull the plug and let it die, you get people who still have interest for this mod on the team or you yourself get back to actively developing the mod.
Now, I've been part of the SA:MP community for about 6 years. And a scripter since 0.3x - 0.3z. And even in this period of time, I've seen a lot of evolution and innovation on the community's part. A lot of third party projects (sampctl for example) and plugins try to bring programming standards to samp and try to innovate the development process. I think this attention has been focused on the development process because it cannot be on actual server features.

Originally Posted by WestSide56
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On an ordinary SA map, after it has been removed, holes appear between the zones of the water, which cannot be filled with water. Should we expect to fix the described bugs in the new version?
These holes are fixable if you create a giant plane textured as the water in GTA SA. Create a custom swimming system when players enter this object or borrow a released script and you're set on your VC-journey. Take this idea as a roundabout.

On Topic: When can we get the ball moving, Kalcor? To be frank with you, if we wait on lsrp for everything then we'll stagnate for a very long time.

Originally Posted by ReyoDahBoss
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These holes are fixable if you create a giant plane textured as the water in GTA SA. Create a custom swimming system when players enter this object or borrow a released script and you're set on your VC-journey. Take this idea as a roundabout.
Players will be able to swim, but the ships are no longer. Also, there will be no water waves. For my project, these issues are important and need to be fixed. Some kind of defective version of it.

I've one of biggest roleplay community in brazilian portuguese language and since the announcement of the 0.3.8 in 2017 we change our server to this version without thinking twice.

Since the december I've made the great things with this new version and expands my community. I have imported one cellphone similar a Iphone with iOS system, using the textdraws with custom sprites.





I have make one custom public phone with sprites and objects.


And now I'm developing a totally 0.3.DL poker system. This is the sketch I made of how the system will look in final step. The cards in the player's hand will only be possible thanks to 0.3.DL and the use of custom objects and of course thanks to the same version we will have a fully customized interface.


With this same version, we took the environment that the community already used in their modloaders and put them as official maps of the server, with few objects and without the possibility of spoiling the gameplay of the players.




The SA-MP has not died, and is not in a terminal state for this to happen. Those who die and disappear are the communities. A few players in my community participate in other servers in version 0.3.7, and those who do this, use a modality to keep the two usable news without having to reinstall all the time. I believe that several servers that use 0.3.DL in these last almost two years will have the same thought. Kalcor, even if you do not combine the two versions into one, we will normally accept that you upgrade to 0.3.DL and keep it separate due to the low acceptance of Russian players.

Nice to see you're making your own designs after stealing my server's!

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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The reason I imported vc2sa and lc2sa was to show that the new system could handle a large number of downloaded models.

The problem with the damage and the pickups wasn't reported to me during the 0.3.8 RC.

I even say in the thread that you probably wouldn't want to make a server based on these maps because there were many problems that couldn't be fixed.

You could, in theory, use RemoveBuilding with -1 model id to remove parts of San Andreas and locate Vice City there.
So erm, just a simple question. Why don't you just fix them?

Imagine being desperate for a new version of SA-MP... let alone in 2019. By trying to convert the whole atmosphere game into a shit Skyrim clone, you are showing that SA-MP is, infact, not serving it's original purpose anymore.

Yes, let’s wait on one server for updates as if that’s the face of this mod. Understandable that you don’t want people to turn this game into something that it isn’t but wouldn’t you want people to go beyond the ideas of what you planned for this mod to be?

Originally Posted by GRiMMREAPER
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Imagine being desperate for a new version of SA-MP... let alone in 2019. By trying to convert the whole atmosphere game into a shit Skyrim clone, you are showing that SA-MP is, infact, not serving it's original purpose anymore.
What was its original purpose? It allows multiplayer capability in GTA SA with the ability to script your own server, however you want it to be given the limitations and skill you have. I don't understand why this is even a debate, developers are given an API to make what they want with it. I mean if you look at the notes of what 0.3.8 brings to SA-MP when it was first announced:


Player skins use ranges: 20000 to 30000 (10000 slots)
Objects use negative IDs: -1000 to -30000 (29000 slots)

What would lsrp need 10k skin slots and 29k object slots for? I'm not saying Kalcor made these limits for the purpose of changing the game into something else but you can't tell me he didn't foresee something similar happening.


Hello! Please make an update. Many are waiting for this and need it. We want you to merge versions 0.3.7 and 0.3DL and fix bugs.
This will be enough for a start, in the future it will be possible to supplement the new version with various improvements that are vitally necessary.

I'd be fine with passing some of my UG-MP natives to Kalcor, which would hopefully end up in a 0.3.7 update.

Originally Posted by DTV
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What was its original purpose? It allows multiplayer capability in GTA SA with the ability to script your own server, however you want it to be given the limitations and skill you have. I don't understand why this is even a debate, developers are given an API to make what they want with it. I mean if you look at the notes of what 0.3.8 brings to SA-MP when it was first announced:

What would lsrp need 10k skin slots and 29k object slots for? I'm not saying Kalcor made these limits for the purpose of changing the game into something else but you can't tell me he didn't foresee something similar happening.
Don't go in a circle, the server you're affiliated with, Medieval Roleplay is addressed in the first few pages of this very thread. I could type out a huge essay but I think we all know it's not necessary if you're realistic. I have no bias, I'd have to agree on Kalcor with that one. Regarding 0.3DL and 0.3.7 has always felt a bit weird to me but I guess all heavy English roleplayers are on DL anyway.

Originally Posted by Kalcor
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You could, in theory, use RemoveBuilding with -1 model id to remove parts of San Andreas and locate Vice City there.
I tried to do that but San Andreas is very big compared to Vice City, many parts where there should be water there is nothing.

The most recent nail in the coffin was the DL split. It forced players to choose between DL and 0.3.7, it split the community, at a time where it was already getting precariously low.

That gap needs to be bridged again, and the game needs updates, and to show Kye cares about the game more than just the money he gets from hosted. Which by the way, work out the maths. He's getting dollar dollar dollar monaaaay from that shit.

I think you all over-estimate what SAMP is/what SAMP was meant to be. Yes a downloading feature is great and probably a step in the right direction however think about the bigger perspective of it. More players = more sway towards what's happening. Imagine tailoring a game for specifically us (The English speaking part of SAMP). It'd be chaotic to the foreigners who aren't use to that, and would likely kill SA-MP which seems like what the direction it was when 0.3.DL was officially announced as the supported SAMP version. Would the English speaking players be satisfied? Yes. Would it kill SAMP? More then likely. You can't just dump resources into something majority people don't want. We're the minority here, realize that. The suitable option here was to split the differences and make two versions so people who wanted it could be satisfied as well as the people who didn't.

Originally Posted by Wolfe
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I think you all over-estimate what SAMP is/what SAMP was meant to be. Yes a downloading feature is great and probably a step in the right direction however think about the bigger perspective of it. More players = more sway towards what's happening. Imagine tailoring a game for specifically us (The English speaking part of SAMP). It'd be chaotic to the foreigners who aren't use to that, and would likely kill SA-MP which seems like what the direction it was when 0.3.DL was officially announced as the supported SAMP version. Would the English speaking players be satisfied? Yes. Would it kill SAMP? More then likely. You can't just dump resources into something majority people don't want. We're the minority here, realize that. The suitable option here was to split the differences and make two versions so people who wanted it could be satisfied as well as the people who didn't.
Good servers wouldn't just dump random resources into the client's system. They would use only what's needed, and I think the process would be transparent enough for the player to decide if it's okay to actually play on that server or not.

Kalcor, could please kindly tell us whats the problem of not releasing all the stuff that people want? Like really.

What are your concerns? Do you not wanna turn SAMP into MTA:SA or something? But you won't, because they are two different things with different playerbases.
Youre a real smart guy, if you made all this, but to be honest i don't get why you're not updating SAMP at least by doing something minor like the feature of hiding vehicles on the minimap. Thanks.

I have a very large following on this platform already, so what you're saying isn't exactly true. Even with the lack of support from SA-MP devs it feels like a new experience and a new game. It feels very right.

A lot of old LS-RP/RC-RP/NG-RP staff/admins have come to me and are ecstatic about something new. You may be obsessed with "modern" / generic roleplay yourself and think it's the way but the majority of the SA-MP community are bored of it hence the decline in players on English roleplay servers. Every single LS-RP player who has tried out my script fell in love and even if the setting is new to them they stick around.

You know, m3shys, people like you I've encountered for a long time. The instant the server is mentioned the repetitive cynicism shows up and people shrug the project off as being "too ambitious" or "too niche" but the moment they go ingame and see what we've accomplished so far they're on my dick 24/7.

You need to learn to stop talking about subjects you have no regards about

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