29.03.2019, 20:26
Can someone tell me why this code doesn't show the SpawnpointTD even if i'm at the spawnpoint?
I tried with a simple SendClientMessage and it says i'm not at the spawnpoint, even if i spawn at RandomSpawn coordinates.
pawn Code:
for(new j; j < MAX_RANDOM_SPAWNS; j++)
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 3, RandomSpawn[j][0], RandomSpawn[j][1], RandomSpawn[j][2]) && Player[i][PlayerSpawned] == true)
PlayerTextDrawShow(i, SpawnpointTD[i]);
PlayerTextDrawHide(i, SpawnpointTD[i]);
pawn Code:
static const Float:RandomSpawn[][4] =
{-1321.2762,-219.7926,14.1484,12.5747 },