SA-MP wierd stuttering issue


When i started playing SA-MP on my new pc , it ran without any issues , but suddenly about a week later or so ,
i started to notice wierd stuttering/slow downs, which occurs on every server ive tried so far . So far i have tried
reinstalling SAMP, deleting gta_sa.set but none of those options havent solved my problem . I just want to play Samp ,but its unplayable because of this unknown sh*t. Also im playing SAMP without any mods,except silentpatch and widescreenfix.


Have you checked the usage of the CPU, drivers up to date, and which widescreenfix?

my cpu usage is as its supposed to be during gameplay and yes my drivers are up to date ,also widescreenfix cant cause such problem because i even tried samp without it ,but still that same sht occurs.

Think about what you've done/changed till the moment it started stuttering.
Did you change an option in the game settings, even tho its 2019 I still can't play with v-sync and or full fx qualiy full on without weird laggs or stutters. (guess, mainly when many entities are streamed)
Maybe try starting singleplayer and see if it stutters

I cant exactly remember when it started stuttering ,i only remember that one day when i decided to jump into samp it started doing this , also singleplayer runs great with some HD texture mods and graphics mod installed.

And i forgot to mention that im only getting that kind of stuttering in samp only ,other multiplayer games like CS:go etc ,are running fine so i have no idea whats causing this

Originally Posted by Mart1n
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I cant exactly remember when it started stuttering ,i only remember that one day when i decided to jump into samp it started doing this , also singleplayer runs great with some HD texture mods and graphics mod installed.

And i forgot to mention that im only getting that kind of stuttering in samp only ,other multiplayer games like CS:go etc ,are running fine so i have no idea whats causing this
The mods can run great in SP but can cause issues in SA:MP. Try removing the mods and see if that fixes the issue.

I mentioned above ,that im running samp without mods execpt silentpatch and widescreenfix but none of those are causing ingame stuttering. I have 2 separate Gta san andreas folders ,one is clean Gta with samp and other one is fully modded without samp.

When did you install the mods to the sp folder?
Really no asi / file replacements "accidentally" done?
Am I blind or did you not try to use a fresh copy?

Yes , im using fresh copy to play samp ,i even tried to play samp with newly installed copy and nothing changed and i dont think accidental file replacements can cause such stuttering , because samp wouldnt even launch i guess. I had mods installed to sp folder before Samp started to have this stuttering ,and it ran fine.

head to your Documents and open GTA San Andreas userfiles, and remove SAMP Folder and retry, this might happen cuz userdata.dat is corrupted or maybe even sa-mp.cfg .

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