04.03.2019, 08:15
Hi i'm learning on textdraws base systems but sometime i'm confused and having no idea i tried alot time to make players alive textdraws system but always i'm fail so hopefully you will help me i made textdraws but how to update it when player join and left then textdraws works like pubg alive textdraw
Thank You In Advance
PHP код:
Textdrawpubg100 = TextDrawCreate(36.000000, 316.166778, "ALIVE");
TextDrawLetterSize(Textdrawpubg100, 0.449999, 1.600000);
TextDrawAlignment(Textdrawpubg100, 1);
TextDrawColor(Textdrawpubg100, -5963521);
TextDrawUseBox(Textdrawpubg100, true);
TextDrawBoxColor(Textdrawpubg100, 0);
TextDrawSetShadow(Textdrawpubg100, 0);
TextDrawSetOutline(Textdrawpubg100, 1);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(Textdrawpubg100, 51);
TextDrawFont(Textdrawpubg100, 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(Textdrawpubg100, 1);