Ethical questions about Server Advertisement

Hey players of SAMP,

This is not a question about the server ad page on this forums.
I'm talking about people advertising their server in another person's discord/teamspeak/samp server/forums.
I've already got my opinion about it, but due to a recent argument I thought I'd unleash this question to the SAMP forums.

Is bad or is it fine to advertise a SAMP server in another SAMP server?
This is also a question I'd like seen answered by Kalcor, if he has time, seeing he recently launched an attack against servers that are full of bots.

Looking forward to hear from y'all!

No rule prohibits advertising in other servers, the server itself should be protected against advertisement if they really worry about it. If you can, and you are allowed to (which means, they allow ads or basically don't disallow it), do it. If they are disallowing ads, but you are still advertising or their system doesn't work the way it's intended, it's your responsibility and you will eventually get banned from the server.

I don't really see it serves a purpose to advertise in other servers, basically a loyal player will never join you. Some random hackers or newbies who don't like the server or people who are just curious to see what you got will join you, for 3 minutes, and quit.

I think advertising on social media something interesting like a trailer, make your own launcher and show people who are interested what you got, that's the best way to have players without seeking advertisements on other successful servers.

Originally Posted by nl-videomaster
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Is bad or is it fine to advertise a SAMP server in another SAMP server?
In my project i allow to use billboards to adv another servers. imho it is better than ban for ip in the chat message. ofcause if some players spamming they will be punished.

I don't see the point of disallowing advertisement in others servers or own. The game is 'open world' and people can play any server without adv's and you can't force people to stay.

Of course its not ethical.but its also disrespectful to other people's work.I mean you cant advertise something on other's property when they put all their efford to provide you a nice gameplay experience.There are like 999999 ways to advertise your server..why should someone choose this way?

Originally Posted by ******
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This is entirely up to the owner of said channel/server. If they don't allow it, don't do it. If they do, great. There's nothing inherently ethical or unethical about it per-se.
Well if that's your opinion, what's your opinion on this thread then?
I mean shouldn't it the same way around be a server's own choice to put a server full of bots?

Kalcor already spoke out about fake players being put in servers, isn't that about as bad as going by SAMP servers trying to get their players to join your server, instead of doing your own hard work of building a community by advertising on the forums here, and a few other forums where they allow actual ads to be posted?

BTW I wanted my main post to be as unbiased as possible, to see the opinions, and they're quite mixed, I'm surprised. I'm on a server now that instead of just banning them reaches out to the servers that got advertised, making sure they understand our stance on it. Very often those servers/communities are also against server advertising, and if such member is a staff member they often get fired in light of the optics. You can hardly be a server preaching that "server advertising is forbidden" and then allow your own staff members to do it elsewhere.

However it really is a pain when you see that it was the server owner...
I mean come on most people know this isn't the norm, right?

Originally Posted by ******
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That's not "my opinion". What I said was "it is up to the server owner". That's entirely true - if a server wants to allow advertising why should they be banned because your server doesn't like it? Why should you be forced to accept it just because another one does?

As for bots, if your server isn't on the main server list then that's fine. But they are, and thus the fake player counts are shown in clients. Thus we come back to the same issue - does the affected service (the list)'s owner (Kalcor) object? Yes. If another list were to allow bot servers then again there would be no problem.

None of these things you are asking about are illegal or immoral, they are all purely the personal preferences of the people running the services.
I mean, yea if a person strictly expresses that it's fine on their server sure...
But for whatever reason there's these terrible servers that just disregard whatever rules another server's got and the worst that server can do is BAN them even though the damage done is sometimes far greater.

Then again, this is true:
Originally Posted by Variable™
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I don't really see it serves a purpose to advertise in other servers, basically a loyal player will never join you. Some random hackers or newbies who don't like the server or people who are just curious to see what you got will join you, for 3 minutes, and quit.
But... what you're saying here...
Originally Posted by Variable™
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No rule prohibits advertising in other servers, the server itself should be protected against advertisement if they really worry about it.
This may go a bit far and serious, but courts used to uphold something along the lines of "when the first murder occurred there may not have been a rule against it, that doesn't mean it's not wrong."
Isn't it wrong to go into someone's server who's worked tirelessly to get his or her server, forums, etc. up and running with upkeep and all just for this 1 kid joining with only 1 purpose, which is to lure the community you worked so hard to build away from you?

And talking protection wise... now a days (almost) every community/server has a discord right?
Dude joins, selects a bunch of people of the community, purposely skipping staff, sending them the invite.
Can't tell me that they didn't know that what they were doing was wrong.

P.S. for anyone thinking I take it too serious... I'm just here to discuss and see opinions. That's the whole reason I made this thread.

Up to the server owner but in my opinion, it's just trashy. There are better, more effective ways of getting players on yourself that doesn't require you to be a dick to others.

I never worried about it because everyone is not magically going to leave your server from an ad it's pretty much useless.

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