mysql problem - OnQueryError with no message

So, i have this function

public OnQueryError( errorid, error[ ], callback[ ], query[ ], connectionHandle )
	print( "====================================================================" );
	printf( "Error ID: %d, Error: %s", errorid, error );
	printf( "Callback: %s", callback );
	printf( "gQuery: %s", query );
        printf( "Handle: %d", connectionHandle );
	print( "====================================================================" );
	return 1;
And i'm receving something like that:

[20:51:28] ====================================================================
[20:51:28] Error ID: 4, Error: 
[20:51:28] Callback: 
[20:51:28] gQuery: 
[20:51:28] Handle: 0
[20:51:28] ====================================================================

EDIT: New i'm getting also like that in server_log

16:08:44] ====================================================================
[16:08:44] Error ID: 14, Error: 
[16:08:44] Callback:  "!#%$&('–)*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ЂЃ‚ѓ„…†‡€‰Љ‹ЊЌЋЏђ‘’“”)
[16:08:44] gQuery: 
[16:08:44] ====================================================================
[16:08:44] ====================================================================
[16:08:44] Error ID: 14, Error: 
[16:08:44] Callback: 
[16:08:44] gQuery:  
[16:08:44] Handle: 0
[16:08:44] ====================================================================
[16:08:44] ====================================================================
[16:08:44] Error ID: 14, Error: 
[16:08:44] Callback: 
[16:08:44] gQuery: 
[16:08:44] Handle: 0
[16:08:44] ====================================================================
and the OnRuntimeError is called:

[debug] OnRuntimeError(18, true)
[debug] OnRuntimeError(18, true)
[debug] OnRuntimeError(14, true)
[debug] OnRuntimeError(14, true)
[debug] OnRuntimeError(14, true)

My only suggestion i can give you is to check the the mysql log better. It can give you more details on what errors you have with your queries.

I couldnt find a issue like yours on the github repository of the plugin. Also look like you are using a r3x version which more or less is no longer worked on

Originally Posted by Banditul18
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My only suggestion i can give you is to check the the mysql log better. It can give you more details on what errors you have with your queries.

I couldnt find a issue like yours on the github repository of the plugin. Also look like you are using a r3x version which more or less is no longer worked on

Originally Posted by None1337
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Well fix them and after that you will not gonna have any other problem. I can't do a spell and fix them

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