Dynamic Checkpoints Problem

Hi, So i have a checkpoints like this :
		new rand = random(sizeof(playersetcheckpoints));
		SetPlayerCp[playerid] = CreateDynamicCP(playersetcheckpoints[rand][0],playersetcheckpoints[rand][1],playersetcheckpoints[rand][2],playersetcheckpoints[rand][3], -1, -1, playerid, -1);
but i have a problem , the checkpoints will desapear when i use a command to create them or some times Moments later disappears ! whats the problem !? [srry for my bad english]

look , i set the destance to -1 , so it should just show that checkpoint , right? and also i use that command to create checkpoint where there is no other checkpoints but its desapear again!

hi again , guys i think i found the problem , so if i start server and join [with out doing anything before login , i mean this is my first login !] checkpoint will show prefectlly but now, i got a dynamic checkpoint by using /givecp1 command , and it will give me this cp :
		new rand = random(sizeof(playersetcheckpoints));
		SetPlayerCp[playerid] = CreateDynamicCP(cp1[rand][0],cp1[rand][1],cp1[rand][2],cp1[rand][3], -1, -1, playerid, -1);
and when i exit vehicle this cp will destroy like this : DestroyDynamicCp[SetPlayerCp[playerid]];
and now if i get another cp with another command like /mycp2 and this cp code:
		new rand = random(sizeof(playersetcheckpoints));
		PlllayerCp2[playerid] = CreateDynamicCP(cp2[rand][0],cp2[rand][1],cp2[rand][2],cp2[rand][3], -1, -1, playerid, -1);
and if their Variables be same this problem will not show up !
the checkpoint will show for 1 second and hide again ! what i'am doing on wrong way ?

Originally Posted by ******
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Not two.

Not three.

Not seven.

Not fifty-four.


It shows the closest, unless you mess around with the distances.
okkk but i destroyed the other ! and there is no other close checkpoint! i destroyed old one and created a new one

guyz please help me with this

Use normal SetPlayerCheckpoint and define them by ID. CreateDynamicCheckpoint shows only once, as ****** said, regardless the distance you set.

um, how should i define them ? can you give an example and they will destroy with DisablePlayerCheckpoint right?

guys i just cant undrstand , my problem is that dynamic cp is not really get destroyed :@ ! just get invisible on map :\ and when i want to create another one "after destroy other one" the new one will show for 1sec and then get desapear ! like there is another cp that is close but there is no other checkpoints !

Originally Posted by PoniStar
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hi again , guys i think i found the problem , so if i start server and join [with out doing anything before login , i mean this is my first login !] checkpoint will show prefectlly but now, i got a dynamic checkpoint by using /givecp1 command , and it will give me this cp :
		new rand = random(sizeof(playersetcheckpoints));
		SetPlayerCp[playerid] = CreateDynamicCP(cp1[rand][0],cp1[rand][1],cp1[rand][2],cp1[rand][3], -1, -1, playerid, -1);
and when i exit vehicle this cp will destroy like this : DestroyDynamicCp[SetPlayerCp[playerid]];
and now if i get another cp with another command like /mycp2 and this cp code:
		new rand = random(sizeof(playersetcheckpoints));
		PlllayerCp2[playerid] = CreateDynamicCP(cp2[rand][0],cp2[rand][1],cp2[rand][2],cp2[rand][3], -1, -1, playerid, -1);
and if their Variables be same this problem will not show up !
the checkpoint will show for 1 second and hide again ! what i'am doing on wrong way ?
guyz i just added this line after Destroying the SetPlayerCp[playerid] checkpoint:
	SetPlayerCp[playerid] = 0;
and i think its some how get fixed ! whats your idea can be related to this

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