
When I changed the color of my gang,happend something,I don't know why I'm not respawn on my gang position when I write "/spawnme"

Ph: https://imgur.com/a/r9dLHXg

HTML Code:
CMD:gcolor(playerid, params[])
    if(CosminInfo[playerid][g_Rank] < 9) return SendError2(playerid, "{E4EDF4}You need to be Gang Rank 9 to use this command", "{E4EDF4}Trebuie sa ai Rank 9 in Gang pentru a folosi aceasta comanda");
    if(sscanf(params, "h", params[0])) return SendUsage(playerid, "/gcolor [Color Code]");
    //for(new i = 0; i < MAX_GANGS; i++) if(GangInfo[i][GangColor] == SetPlayerColor(i, params[0])) return SendError2(playerid, "{E4EDF4}Sorry,but the selected color are using some gang. Please select another", "{E4EDF4}Scuze,dar aceasta culoare este folosita de alt gang,te rog sa incerci alta");
           params[0] = (params[0] * 256) + 0xAA;
		   GangInfo[CosminInfo[playerid][GangID]][GangColor] = params[0], Announce(playerid, "~w~~h~Gang color have been ~n~~g~~h~updated~w~~h~.", 3000, 4);
		   //foreach(new i : Player) SetPlayerColor(i, params[0] = GangInfo[i][GangColor]), Announce(playerid, "~w~~h~Gang color have been ~n~~g~~h~updated~w~~h~.", 3000, 4);
           eString[0] = EOS;
           format(eString, sizeof eString, "GANG: {E4EDF4}Founder '{FFFF00}%s{E4EDF4}' has set a new color to your gang.", PlayerName(playerid));
           SendGangMessage(CosminInfo[playerid][GangID], eString);
           foreach(new i : Player) if(CosminInfo[playerid][GangID] == CosminInfo[i][GangID]) SetPlayerColor(i, params[0]);
	return 1;

The code you posted seems to be for /gcolor not /spawnme. We need to see /spawnme.

Originally Posted by MP2
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The code you posted seems to be for /gcolor not /spawnme. We need to see /spawnme.
I have problem with /gcolor,not with "/spawnme",the command work great. When I use /gcolor,don't spawn me on my gang even if I die. And the color of gang don't change.

/gcolor is command for gang color it will not spawn you in your team spawn problem is in command /spawnme show the code of /spawnme command

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