20.03.2017, 16:53
Nice job
## [0.1b] - 2017-03-21 ### Added - Added weather system for random weather. - Weather can be set by admins, using /weather ID - /dropmoney uses GenerateRandomPickup function now, to create money pickups. - system to check if a team has won the game. (if other teams are empty) - Improved several minor bugs. - Major changes in score system. - The winner of the team will now be determined if there is no player left in other teams - Recursive function will be called in OnPlayerDeath instead of OnPlayerSpawn now. - Dead player will be thrown into TEAM_SPECTATOR after death now if the bed is missing. - GetPlayerCount() function added to count amount of players for use in TeamsAlive(bool:value) function. - Recursive function TeamsAlive(bool:value) function (false/true) to count teams alive or check if there is only one team left. - Fighting Style menu to purchase different fightstyles. - Quicksort instead of Heapsort ### Fix - Increased weapon prices due to balancing reasons. - Changed bomb activation radius to 150m instead of 100m.
## [0.1b] - 2017-03-28 ### Added - Function GivePlayerMoneyText to give or remove money from a player and display gametext. - #define to change the value of Money Pickups. ### Fix - Fixed minor bugs. - Fixed y_ini problems.
if(strcmp(cmd, "/weather", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/search", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/compare", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/getplayerteam", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/stealth", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/warp", true) == 0) //Warppowder if(strcmp(cmd, "/jetpack", true) == 0) { if(strcmp(cmd, "/sound", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/spec", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/specoff", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/dropmoney", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/freeze", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/kill", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/givecash", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/slap", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/reset", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/checkmoney", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/spawn", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/unfreeze", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/getmoneycount", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/goto", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/acmds", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/playertoplayer", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/getmoneycount", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/get", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/dropbomb", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/detonate", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/netstats", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/stats", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmd, "/pm", true) == 0) if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/blowup", true) == 0)