SA:MP suddenly starts SP

Goodevening everyone,

I am a frequent SA:MP player and i play for quite some weeks now. But, suddenly, SA:MP doesn't work properly anymore. I started SA:MP as always, but SA started in SP instead of MP. I repeated it quite a few times, with different servers but it doesn't work.

I read some things on the internet about downgrading GTA SA, so i did. Only bad thing, the downgrader doesn't work either. Actually, it would be stupid if it was the fact that my GTA SA isn't good because i've played this version for quite some time., After that i re-installed SA:MP but that doesn't help either.

Ik would appreciate some tips from you guys, thanks in advance

I just saw the same thing happened to my laptop... That's Vista but almost same story, besides the downgrading and re-installing.

i had the same thing i just made a new user account and it worked lol maybe try the same?
the acc must be administrator

Ive had it with SAMP 0.3 aswell. The crack of a friend of mine solved it -__-'

I already did the things mentoined in the links you give me but still no result. My nephew will come by soon to reinstall GTA SA, maybe that will work.

Still not working after re-install...

i just told u what to do -.-

i had the same thing i just made a new user account and it worked lol maybe try the same?
the acc must be administrator

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