Crash server

Hello all, my server crashed at start (not always)

This is error list:

[20:38:52] [debug] Server crashed while executing xyz.amx
[20:38:52] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[20:38:52] [debug] #0 native float () in samp03svr
[20:38:52] [debug] #1 0002a5e0 in public zcmd_OnGameModeInit () at D:\scoala proiecte\My Work\gamemodes\xyz.pwn:4076
[20:38:52] [debug] #2 native CallLocalFunction () in samp03svr
[20:38:52] [debug] #3 00008fd8 in public SSCANF_OnGameModeInit () at D:\scoala proiecte\My Work\pawno\include\
[20:38:52] [debug] #4 00002278 in public Iter_OnGameModeInit () at D:\scoala proiecte\My Work\pawno\include\
[20:38:52] [debug] #5 native CallLocalFunction () in samp03svr
[20:38:52] [debug] #6 00000e98 in public OnGameModeInit () at D:\scoala proiecte\My Work\pawno\include\
[20:38:52] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[20:38:52] [debug]  Attempted to read/write array element at index 3736 in array of size 100
[20:38:52] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[20:38:52] [debug] #0 0002a708 in public zcmd_OnGameModeInit () at D:\scoala proiecte\My Work\gamemodes\xyz.pwn:4079
[20:38:52] [debug] #1 native CallLocalFunction () in samp03svr
[20:38:52] [debug] #2 00008fd8 in public SSCANF_OnGameModeInit () at D:\scoala proiecte\My Work\pawno\include\
[20:38:52] [debug] #3 00002278 in public Iter_OnGameModeInit () at D:\scoala proiecte\My Work\pawno\include\
[20:38:52] [debug] #4 native CallLocalFunction () in samp03svr
[20:38:52] [debug] #5 00000e98 in public OnGameModeInit () at D:\scoala proiecte\My Work\pawno\include\
And this are codes from 4076, 4079 from GAMEMODE

		ProfileStats[i] = TextDrawCreate(235.000000, 115.000000, " "); 
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(ProfileStats[i], -1); ///// CRASH GM
		TextDrawFont(ProfileStats[i], 1);
		TextDrawLetterSize(ProfileStats[i], 0.300000, 1.000000); /// CRASH GM
		TextDrawColor(ProfileStats[i], 255);
		TextDrawSetOutline(ProfileStats[i], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(ProfileStats[i], 1);
And that are part of code. TDs at OnGameModeinit

	for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		FuelText[i] = TextDrawCreate(550.0, 386.0," ");
		TextDrawAlignment(FuelText[i], 2);

		SpeedText[i] = TextDrawCreate(550.0, 400.0," ");
		TextDrawAlignment(SpeedText[i], 2);

		OdoText[i] = TextDrawCreate(550.0, 414.0," ");
		TextDrawAlignment(OdoText[i], 2);

        PlayerRon[i] = TextDrawCreate(553.0, 80.0, " ");
		TextDrawAlignment(PlayerRon[i], 2);
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(PlayerRon[i], 255);
		TextDrawFont(PlayerRon[i], 3);
		TextDrawLetterSize(PlayerRon[i], 0.54, 1.90);
		TextDrawColor(PlayerRon[i], 0x315A29FF);
		TextDrawSetOutline(PlayerRon[i], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(PlayerRon[i], 0);
		TextDrawUseBox(PlayerRon[i], 1);
		TextDrawBoxColor(PlayerRon[i], 255);
		TextDrawTextSize(PlayerRon[i], 600.0, 107.0);

		Spec[i] = TextDrawCreate(559.000000, 199.000000, " ");
		TextDrawAlignment(Spec[i], 2);
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(Spec[i], -16776961);
		TextDrawFont(Spec[i], 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(Spec[i], 0.220000, 0.899999);
		TextDrawColor(Spec[i], 16711935);
		TextDrawSetOutline(Spec[i], 0);
		TextDrawSetProportional(Spec[i], 1);
		TextDrawSetShadow(Spec[i], 0);
		TextDrawUseBox(Spec[i], 1);
		TextDrawBoxColor(Spec[i], 170);
		TextDrawTextSize(Spec[i], 0.000000, -125.000000);

		ProfileStats[i] = TextDrawCreate(235.000000, 115.000000, " "); 
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(ProfileStats[i], -1); ///// CRASH GM
		TextDrawFont(ProfileStats[i], 1);
		TextDrawLetterSize(ProfileStats[i], 0.300000, 1.000000); /// CRASH GM
		TextDrawColor(ProfileStats[i], 255);
		TextDrawSetOutline(ProfileStats[i], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(ProfileStats[i], 1);

		PlayerRespect[i] = TextDrawCreate(285.0, 124.0, " ");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(PlayerRespect[i], 255);
		TextDrawFont(PlayerRespect[i], 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(PlayerRespect[i], 0.3, 1.2);
		TextDrawColor(PlayerRespect[i], -1);
		TextDrawSetOutline(PlayerRespect[i], 1);
		TextDrawSetProportional(PlayerRespect[i], 1);

		/*CellPhoneNumber[i] = TextDrawCreate(416.0, 222.0, " ");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(CellPhoneNumber[i], 255);
		TextDrawFont(CellPhoneNumber[i], 1);
		TextDrawLetterSize(CellPhoneNumber[i], 0.25, 1.0);
		TextDrawColor(CellPhoneNumber[i], -65366);
		TextDrawSetOutline(CellPhoneNumber[i], 0);
		TextDrawSetProportional(CellPhoneNumber[i], 1);
		TextDrawSetShadow(CellPhoneNumber[i], 0);*/


Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[20:38:52] [debug] Attempted to read/write array element at index 3736 in array of size 100

This is the error and you need to use Player TDs not global TDs.

Originally Posted by Logic_
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This is the error and you need to use Player TDs not global TDs.
I have a big lot of same TD... How i convert from Global TDs to Player TD easy and fast?

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