21.09.2009, 00:40
Последний раз редактировалось Calgon; 05.05.2012 в 20:47.
Features in this script:- Anticheat
- Hospital
- Car Scrapping
- Fishing
- Mechanic Job
- Antispam
- Conversion to more dynamic file system (using dini instead of the default system)
- Loads more admin commands
- Enhanced phone system (and 911 system)
- Enhanced admin duty system
- Many more saving attributes (weapons, health, armour)
- Tutorial
- Enhanced banks system (safety deposit boxes)
- Unban system
- CKing (with /set playerid ck 1 and /unck [name])
- Extremely easy to use ban system
- Rope/rags (/tie and /blindfold)
- Enhanced matrun/drugrun/product run system with timers.
- Spectator
- Position restoring
- Ping Kicker
- Enhanced vehicle system (now can be spawned IG etc)
- And so much more.
Download here. This includes only the PWN and AMX; it was compiled for a much older version of SA-MP and some things may require updating or converting to get this gamemode to work. I would heavily advise sticking away from this gamemode and using one of my other gamemodes I've released over the past 3 years.