
Sorry, if im posting on wrong section?
I was testing MySQL by StrickenKid, i was trying to know what is the difference between R39 MySQL and StrickenKid MySQL, so....

I was using XAMPP for StrickenKid MySQL, i think i am doing wrong? I have to use WAMP for StrickenKid MySQL right?
Other MySQL versions are for XAMPP? I guess.

EDIT: I also tested MySQL R7, it works on XAMPP too. But only StrickenKid is not working. R7 is too slow.... R39 is fast. I want to try StrickenKid MySQL

Using either WAMP or XAMPP should not make a difference. All they do is offer a MySQL server that you can connect to. Which begs the question, why not just install MySQL server using the official installer?

Originally Posted by Sithis
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Using either WAMP or XAMPP should not make a difference. All they do is offer a MySQL server that you can connect to. Which begs the question, why not just install MySQL server using the official installer?
I don't think so. When i tried using StrickenKid on XAMPP, it was not working.....
When i try R39, R40 and R7, it works fine on XAMPP....

Maybe i have to add password ..??

Use BlueG's SQL. They are fast and well optimized. XAMPP and WAMP are both packages which contain web servers and back end servers etc. Both works same. if StrickenKid is not working on XAMPP may be you had not correctly configured the script.

latest SQL by BlueG should be R41-4[].
R7 is way too old.

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