01.10.2018, 14:46
hello there i need help can someone please tell me why this server stuck on start i mean when its going to load mysql database file then why stuck what is the reason help me please if you can
this is the server.log:
Thank You In Advance

this is the server.log:
---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team [16:43:30] password = "" (string) [16:43:30] [16:43:30] Server Plugins [16:43:30] -------------- [16:43:30] Loading plugin: crashdetect.so [16:43:30] CrashDetect plugin 4.19 [16:43:30] Loaded. [16:43:30] Loading plugin: streamer.so [16:43:30] *** Streamer Plugin v2.9.3 by Incognito loaded *** [16:43:30] Loaded. [16:43:30] Loading plugin: mysql.so [16:43:30] >> plugin.mysql: R41-4 successfully loaded. [16:43:30] Loaded. [16:43:30] Loading plugin: SKY.so [16:43:30] Loaded. [16:43:30] Loading plugin: rwthread.so [16:43:30] Threaded fread/fwrite [16:43:30] Loaded. [16:43:30] Loading plugin: pawnraknet.so [16:43:30] Pawn.RakNet plugin v1.2.0 by urShadow loaded [16:43:30] Loaded. [16:43:30] Loading plugin: mapandreas.so [16:43:30] Loaded. [16:43:30] Loading plugin: Thread.so [16:43:30] [16:43:30] ______________________________________ [16:43:30] SA:MP Thread plugin v0.1.6 loaded [16:43:30] ______________________________________ [16:43:30] By: Fro © Copyright <TBG> 2009-2011 [16:43:30] ______________________________________ [16:43:30] Loaded. [16:43:30] Loading plugin: sscanf.so [16:43:30] [16:43:30] =============================== [16:43:30] sscanf plugin loaded. [16:43:30] Version: 2.8.2 [16:43:30] © 2012 Alex "******" Cole [16:43:30] =============================== [16:43:30] Loaded. [16:43:30] Loading plugin: Whirlpool.so [16:43:30] [16:43:30] ================== [16:43:30] [16:43:30] Whirlpool loaded [16:43:30] [16:43:30] ================== [16:43:30] [16:43:30] Loaded. [16:43:30] Loaded 10 plugins. [16:43:30] AMX (183118792) loaded [16:43:30] [16:43:30] [16:43:30] [16:43:30] ======================================= [16:43:30] | | [16:43:30] | YSI version 4.00.0001 | [16:43:30] | By Alex "******" Cole | [16:43:30] | | [16:43:30] ======================================= [16:43:30] [16:44:00] [ADM] Info: Load 3DTryg v4.6.1 for SA:MP 0.3.7 by Abyss Morgan