[FilterScript] Wallet [Y_INI][ZCMD]

Wallet + Robbery [Y_INI] [ZCMD] [BETA v0.2]
This is a concept script means I made this purely based on my concept, I tried to keep it simple and unique, you have any improvement you can let me know.

Concept of Working:
Here's my concept of how wallet should be in RPG/CnR servers; A person gets wallet on registration where he can hold all money he have in HUD but wallet can be looted by robbers(other players)[prevent this by depositing it in bank]. If a robber robs player's money then he will have 30 seconds(default/assumed) to run from player from getting killed. If robber gets killed by player then player will get his money+wallet+robber's wallet(with money)[Only 1 wallet can be there whole time so no 2 wallets]
which is clear that robber's death will loose them their money and wallet. If robber tries to disconnect during that period then robber will loose their money + wallet and player will get his wallet back with no money in it(only if he didn't buy new one). Also if robber gets kicked/banned then player will get his wallet+his money+robber's money(also wallet but can't have more than 1). [No TL; DR cause it took time to write this]

/rob (random 10 tries - actually no. Only even number tries will be success)
/buywallet - 100$(default)
/wallet - money in HUD (useless command)
/givewallet - Give wallet to player [RCON] (BETA v0.2)
/revokewallet - Remove/Take wallet from player [RCON] (BETA v0.2)
  • Wallet Status (1 or 0)
  • Cash (if Wallet is 1)
  • Cash = 0 (if Wallet is 0)
Other Implementations(to be added by user):
  • Spawn to last location if player gets crashed also make player wait for robber to join back in order to recover money. Tutorial by SmiT
  • Make robber loose money if player left server(/q).
  • Save Stats command (for RCON/players).
  • Give wallet on connect.

BETA v0.2
  • Improvement in /rob command [unstable sometimes with playerid (s)]
  • Added some RCON commands to /givewallet and /revokewallet
  • Loaduser was missing with some loading function which is added.
  • ClientMessage lines are reduced at some places.

sscanf | YSI 4.0.2 ~ ******
ZCMD ~ Zeex

Something new, I like it.

- Try to put everything in an enumerator.
- Maybe go with SQLite rather than ini?
- Foreach may better suit rather than GetPlayerPoolSize, considering that most gamemodes have foreach implemented anyway.
- Most of your code will not work as you created 'targetid' and not assigned a playerid to it (it'll constantly retrieve player id 0's position and string). This is specifically in your rob command.

I will take a look.

Good contribution.

Try to optimize it more to the next, same good work

Not bad at all, a fresh idea, however could use some better optimization, but keep at it!

Inspiring nice work

Nice work

This is far from nice work. People really gotta stop encouraging subpar releases just to boost up their post count.

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