What would be your dream-roleplay server?

What would be the best roleplay servers in your eyes? What systems would you love to see on a roleplay server that you've never seen before?

If you could script/implement anything into a server, what would you do?

What makes a bad roleplay server? What would make YOU check out a roleplay server?


My dream role-play server had already been closer a couple of years ago. Ever heard of Continental roleplay? that was the shit.

RP Map should be unique.
Textured maps, shops, houses, police, government.
Nice textdraws.
Nice colors text.
Hosted Tab.
Premium Domain.
And many more management stuff...
If you want to make serious RP community. Otherwise without pro scripts, domains and hosted tab it will be one more failure project.

The one I was working on, but never got enough time to keep working on it. Basically a roleplay with entertainment, people always resort to DM on roleplays because they just get bored. I was gonna implement different entertainment systems that players could participate on when they're off work IG. For example, legal derby and racing, boxing with a strategic implementation (kinda like a card game), realistic chess which others could spectate, and a lot more. I was also gonna put a lot of detail on the jobs and careers to actually make it fun, instead of just going from point A to point B and do X.

Maybe if SA-MP doesn't die anytime soon I will actually finish it.

RP is prety much dead, only roleplay servers that have a good playerbase out there are LS-RP and RC-RP, i'm pretty sure everyone tries to register on ls-rp since it's almost the best roleplay server, but it was better back in the days for sure.

Originally Posted by Onfroi
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The one I was working on, but never got enough time to keep working on it. Basically a roleplay with entertainment, people always resort to DM on roleplays because they just get bored. I was gonna implement different entertainment systems that players could participate on when they're off work IG. For example, legal derby and racing, boxing with a strategic implementation (kinda like a card game), realistic chess which others could spectate, and a lot more. I was also gonna put a lot of detail on the jobs and careers to actually make it fun, instead of just going from point A to point B and do X.

Maybe if SA-MP doesn't die anytime soon I will actually finish it.
exactly what im doing, creating a roleplay server and my goal is to make it to where people will look at it and wonder what it is. something that isn't ordinary or used by other roleplay servers, extremely unique. systems you've never seen before. i plan on spending a lot of money on it, sponsors etc. that is why im here asking for ideas so i can get a feel of what players look for. i plan on having a ton of systems and jobs to where people do not get bored and resort to dm or leaving the server, something to keep them active and interested. endless systems, endless things to find out about the game. there will never be a end.


Originally Posted by Freshncool
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then how would i make any money

Originally Posted by Freshncool
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You forgot [2000000$] [EXP X200]

Originally Posted by Onfroi
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The one I was working on, but never got enough time to keep working on it. Basically a roleplay with entertainment, people always resort to DM on roleplays because they just get bored. I was gonna implement different entertainment systems that players could participate on when they're off work IG. For example, legal derby and racing, boxing with a strategic implementation (kinda like a card game), realistic chess which others could spectate, and a lot more. I was also gonna put a lot of detail on the jobs and careers to actually make it fun, instead of just going from point A to point B and do X.

Maybe if SA-MP doesn't die anytime soon I will actually finish it.
I had very similar ideas, iv got a ton of ideas ill keep to myself but an idea id like seen elsewhere is for one a stock exchange... a great way to get rich quick or lose all your money. That and good old gambling, game of roulette? To top this all off allow loans from the bank, take out a loan and gamble it all away

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