MySQL Offline Ban

ISSUE: The command sends successfully, but the target in question does not get banned. How can I fix this, and why does this not work?

I am new to MySQL in sa-mp.

new query[65], tempip[16];

	mysql_format(gSQL, query, sizeof query, "SELECT * FROM `Users` WHERE `Name` = '%e'", target);
	if(mysql_tquery(gSQL, query, "OnAccountExist", "i", playerid))
		cache_get_value_name(0, "LastIP", tempip, 16);
		new str[144], expiretime = (gettime() + (((time * 24) * 60) * 60));
		if(time > 0) format(str, sizeof str, "* %s %s has offline banned %s for \"%s\" till %s.", gStaff[pInfo[playerid][AdminLvl]], pName[playerid], target, reason, ReturnDate(expiretime));
		else format(str, sizeof str, "* %s %s has permanently offline banned %s for \"%s\".", gStaff[pInfo[playerid][AdminLvl]], pName[playerid], target, reason);
		SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_PINK, str);
		mysql_format(gSQL, query, sizeof query, "INSERT INTO `Bans` (`ExpireDate`, `IP`, `Name`, `Reason`, `BanBy`) VALUES (%d, '%e', '%e', '%e', '%e')", expiretime, tempip, target, reason, pName[playerid]);
		mysql_tquery(gSQL, query);
		SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "ERROR: "COL_GREY"That account doesn't exist.");	

Check your MySQL logs in your server files, show us the database table structure.

No active cache. Execute the code inside OnAccountExist callback.

Originally Posted by Calisthenics
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No active cache. Execute the code inside OnAccountExist callback.
I'll try that.

i think the SQL is %q not %e in your select statement

Originally Posted by silvan
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i think the SQL is %q not %e in your select statement
Thats for SQLite which is package inside sa-mp. He use MySQL plugin

Dont ban people from Names. Ban them from DB ID. It makes it way easier. Try it and tell if it works.

mysql_tquery returns 1 if the query was executed. That does not mean a row exists.

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