16.07.2018, 02:07
Последний раз редактировалось DerickClark; 28.07.2018 в 23:44.
SendExtendedMessageToAll(color, const string[]);
stock SendExtendedMessageToAll(color, const string[]) { if(strlen(string) > 120) { new msg[120]; format(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s", string); // 0 to 120 SendClientMessageToAll(color, msg); format(msg, sizeof(msg), "{FFFFFF}...%s", string[120]); // 120 to the end SendClientMessageToAll(color, msg); return 1; } else { SendClientMessageToAll(color, string); return 1; } }
Yes you can.
SendExtendedMessageToAll(color, const string[]); Код:
stock SendExtendedMessageToAll(color, const string[]) { if(strlen(string) > 120) { new msg[120]; format(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s", string); // 0 to 120 SendClientMessageToAll(color, msg); format(msg, sizeof(msg), "{FFFFFF}...%s", string[120]); // 120 to the end SendClientMessageToAll(color, msg); return 1; } else { SendClientMessageToAll(color, string); return 1; } } |
stock SendExtendedMessageToAll(color, msg[])
new len=strlen(msg);
if(len > 120){
new s1[120],s2[120],breakpoint=90;
SendClientMessageToAll(color, s1);
SendClientMessageToAll(color, s2);
SendClientMessageToAll(color, msg);
return 1;
What you mean? Do you want to split the string when it's over the limit?
Like example: Hreesang says: Bro what's up bro what's up, hahaha, you're so funny, hahaha, what's up bro? To: Hreesang says: Bro what's up bro what's up, hahaha, you're... Hreesang says: ... so funny, hahaha, what's up bro? |
SendChatMessage(color,const txt[],const txt1[])
for(new i=GetPlayerPoolSize()+1; --i!=-1;)
if(!IsPlayerConnected(i) || IsPlayerNPC(i))
new txt11[60], txt0[60]; pS[3] = {'!', ' ', ':'}, CharPos = -1;
if(strlen(txt1) > 100)
for(new i; i++; i<sizeof(pS))
//search for any characters nearby
CharPos = strfind(txt1, pS[i], true, pos=95) != -1)
if(CharPos != -1)
//We've found a char that is defined in the pS array...
strmid(txt11, txt1, CharPos+1, strlen(txt1));
else if(CharPos == -1)
strmid(txt11, txt1, CharPos, strlen(txt1)); //no defined letters found
strins(txt1, "-", strlen(txt1)); //insert a letter to inform that word continues below
//send the message
SendClientMessage(i, color, txt1);
SendClientMessage(i, color, txt11);
else //do the same here with the other variable
SendClientMessage(i, color, txt);
if(strlen(txt0)) //only send when there are contents in the var.
SendClientMessage(i, color, txt0);
return 1;