[Ajuda] Erro pra ligar o GameMode

Eu formatei e mudei meu windows pra 64 bits, agora meu GM nгo tб ligando.
Vejam, https://imgur.com/a/fu2mvqg

Jб troquei os plugins, jб troquei as includes, mas continua assim...

Mande todo o server_log aqui

instale o Pacotes Redistribuнveis do Visual C++

Eu tambem tava com esse problema e obrigado vini.

Ve o privado e me add la obgd

Originally Posted by LeViNS
Посмотреть сообщение
instale o Pacotes Redistribuнveis do Visual C++
Jб instalei... E nada.

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[14:59:23] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[14:59:23] Server Plugins
[14:59:23] --------------
[14:59:23]  Loading plugin: streamer
[14:59:23]   Failed.
[14:59:23]  Loading plugin: sscanf
[14:59:23]   Failed.
[14:59:23]  Loading plugin: crashdetect
[14:59:23]   CrashDetect plugin 4.19
[14:59:23]   Loaded.
[14:59:23]  Loaded 1 plugins.

[14:59:23] Filterscripts
[14:59:23] ---------------
[14:59:23]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[14:59:23] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[14:59:23] [debug]  SSCANF_Init
[14:59:23] [debug]  SSCANF_IsConnected
[14:59:23] [debug]  SSCANF_Join
[14:59:23] [debug]  SSCANF_Leave
[14:59:23] [debug]  CreateDynamicObject
[14:59:23] [debug]  sscanf
[14:59:23] [debug]  DestroyDynamicObject
[14:59:23] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[14:59:23] [debug]  SSCANF_Init
[14:59:23] [debug]  SSCANF_IsConnected
[14:59:23] [debug]  SSCANF_Join
[14:59:23] [debug]  SSCANF_Leave
[14:59:23] [debug]  CreateDynamicObject
[14:59:23] [debug]  sscanf
[14:59:23] [debug]  DestroyDynamicObject
[14:59:23] Script[gamemodes/barev2.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[14:59:23] Number of vehicle models: 0

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[15:01:35] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[15:01:35] Server Plugins
[15:01:35] --------------
[15:01:35]  Loading plugin: streamer
[15:01:35]   Failed.
[15:01:35]  Loading plugin: sscanf
[15:01:35]   Failed.
[15:01:35]  Loading plugin: crashdetect
[15:01:35]   CrashDetect plugin 4.19
[15:01:35]   Loaded.
[15:01:35]  Loaded 1 plugins.

[15:01:35] Filterscripts
[15:01:35] ---------------
[15:01:35]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[15:01:35] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[15:01:35] [debug]  SSCANF_Init
[15:01:35] [debug]  SSCANF_IsConnected
[15:01:35] [debug]  SSCANF_Join
[15:01:35] [debug]  SSCANF_Leave
[15:01:35] [debug]  CreateDynamicObject
[15:01:35] [debug]  sscanf
[15:01:35] [debug]  DestroyDynamicObject
[15:01:35] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[15:01:35] [debug]  SSCANF_Init
[15:01:35] [debug]  SSCANF_IsConnected
[15:01:35] [debug]  SSCANF_Join
[15:01:35] [debug]  SSCANF_Leave
[15:01:35] [debug]  CreateDynamicObject
[15:01:35] [debug]  sscanf
[15:01:35] [debug]  DestroyDynamicObject
[15:01:35] Script[gamemodes/barev2.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[15:01:35] Number of vehicle models: 0

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[15:05:45] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[15:05:45] Server Plugins
[15:05:45] --------------
[15:05:45]  Loading plugin: streamer
[15:05:45]   Failed.
[15:05:45]  Loading plugin: sscanf
[15:05:45]   Failed.
[15:05:45]  Loading plugin: crashdetect
[15:05:45]   CrashDetect plugin 4.19
[15:05:45]   Loaded.
[15:05:45]  Loaded 1 plugins.

[15:05:45] Filterscripts
[15:05:45] ---------------
[15:05:45]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[15:05:46] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[15:05:46] [debug]  SSCANF_Init
[15:05:46] [debug]  SSCANF_IsConnected
[15:05:46] [debug]  SSCANF_Join
[15:05:46] [debug]  SSCANF_Leave
[15:05:46] [debug]  CreateDynamicObject
[15:05:46] [debug]  sscanf
[15:05:46] [debug]  DestroyDynamicObject
[15:05:46] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[15:05:46] [debug]  SSCANF_Init
[15:05:46] [debug]  SSCANF_IsConnected
[15:05:46] [debug]  SSCANF_Join
[15:05:46] [debug]  SSCANF_Leave
[15:05:46] [debug]  CreateDynamicObject
[15:05:46] [debug]  sscanf
[15:05:46] [debug]  DestroyDynamicObject
[15:05:46] Script[gamemodes/barev2.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[15:05:46] Number of vehicle models: 0

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[15:49:27] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[15:49:27] Server Plugins
[15:49:27] --------------
[15:49:27]  Loading plugin: streamer
[15:49:27]   Failed.
[15:49:27]  Loading plugin: sscanf
[15:49:27]   Failed.
[15:49:27]  Loading plugin: crashdetect
[15:49:27]   CrashDetect plugin 4.19
[15:49:27]   Loaded.
[15:49:27]  Loaded 1 plugins.

[15:49:27] Filterscripts
[15:49:27] ---------------
[15:49:27]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[15:49:27] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[15:49:27] [debug]  SSCANF_Init
[15:49:27] [debug]  SSCANF_IsConnected
[15:49:27] [debug]  SSCANF_Join
[15:49:27] [debug]  SSCANF_Leave
[15:49:27] [debug]  CreateDynamicObject
[15:49:27] [debug]  sscanf
[15:49:27] [debug]  DestroyDynamicObject
[15:49:27] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[15:49:27] [debug]  SSCANF_Init
[15:49:27] [debug]  SSCANF_IsConnected
[15:49:27] [debug]  SSCANF_Join
[15:49:27] [debug]  SSCANF_Leave
[15:49:27] [debug]  CreateDynamicObject
[15:49:27] [debug]  sscanf
[15:49:27] [debug]  DestroyDynamicObject
[15:49:27] Script[gamemodes/barev2.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[15:49:27] Number of vehicle models: 0

qual visual c estб instalado?

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005/2008/2010/2012/2013/2017 - Redistributable, Additional, Minimum runtime, Additional runtime, esses.

Originally Posted by Hunterx157
Посмотреть сообщение
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005/2008/2010/2012/2013/2017
Sгo a versгo x86 ( 32 bits ) ?

Se vocк instalou a versгo x64 bits entгo nгo vai funcionar, entгo instale todos da versгo x86.

Originally Posted by Hunterx157
Посмотреть сообщение
64 bits
Entгo instale os vs redis x86

Originally Posted by SammyJ
Посмотреть сообщение
Sгo a versгo x86 ( 32 bits ) ?

Se vocк instalou a versгo x64 bits entгo nгo vai funcionar, entгo instale todos da versгo x86.
64 bits

Originally Posted by Hunterx157
Посмотреть сообщение
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005/2008/2010/2012/2013/2017 - Redistributable, Additional, Minimum runtime, Additional runtime, esses.
Sу lembrando que vocк deve instalar todos esses pacotes das versхes de x86 e x64 bits. ok ?
Independente da base do seu sistema operacional.

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