Server Help

So i am using Zeus cops and robbers and problem is that when i click spawn button so "server closed the connection"

Server Logs

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[14:45:45] password = ""  (string)
[14:45:45] Server Plugins
[14:45:45] --------------
[14:45:45]  Loading plugin:
[14:45:45]   CrashDetect v4.18.1 is OK.
[14:45:45]   Loaded.
[14:45:45]  Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.2 by Incognito loaded ***

[14:45:46]   Loaded.
[14:45:46]  Loading plugin:
[14:45:46]  ==================
[14:45:46]   Whirlpool loaded
[14:45:46]  ==================
[14:45:46]   Loaded.
[14:45:46]  Loading plugin:

[14:45:46]  ===============================

[14:45:46]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[14:45:46]          Version:  2.8.1        

[14:45:46]    © 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole  

[14:45:46]  ===============================

[14:45:46]   Loaded.
[14:45:46]  Loaded 4 plugins.

[14:45:46] Filterscripts
[14:45:46] ---------------
[14:45:46]   Loading filterscript 'UltraHost.amx'...
[14:45:46]   Loaded 1 filterscripts.

[14:45:46]  ======================================= 
[14:45:46]  |                                     | 
[14:45:46]  |        YSI version 4.00.0001        | 
[14:45:46]  |        By Alex "Y_Less" Cole        | 
[14:45:46]  |                                     | 
[14:45:46]  ======================================= 
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager : Version 0.1.1b] System Initialized...
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (1) at slot 0
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2268.099121, 2449.289062, -7.195300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (2) at slot 1
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2268.074462, 2449.279541, 3.531300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (3) at slot 2
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2287.040039, 2432.365966, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (4) at slot 3
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2337.164794, 2459.312988, 14.974200 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (5) at slot 4
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2297.117431, 2451.505126, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (6) at slot 5
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2296.071289, 2458.123535, 38.687500 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (7) at slot 6
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2270.976074, 2293.817871, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (8) at slot 7
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2127.586914, 2379.621093, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (9) at slot 8
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2016.976806, 1916.406494, 12.342399 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (10) at slot 9
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2196.957031, 1677.163696, 12.367199 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (11) at slot 10
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2019.319580, 1007.748718, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (12) at slot 11
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2159.540527, 943.177612, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (91) at slot 12
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2319.348632, 2391.804687, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (13) at slot 13
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2367.055175, 2071.069335, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (14) at slot 14
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2393.273681, 2041.565673, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (15) at slot 15
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2472.865478, 2034.170166, 11.062500 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (16) at slot 16
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2452.530761, 2065.190185, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (17) at slot 17
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2546.527099, 1972.657104, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (19) at slot 18
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2194.938964, 1990.994750, 12.296899 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (18) at slot 19
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2412.503906, 1123.818969, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (96) at slot 20
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2247.670166, 2396.168701, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (30) at slot 21
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 1658.495971, 2250.043701, 11.070099 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (20) at slot 22
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 1157.924560, 2072.287353, 11.062500 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (21) at slot 23
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 776.720825, 1871.436035, 4.906799 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (22) at slot 24
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 173.040206, 1177.146118, 14.757800 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (102) at slot 25
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { -1213.829223, 1830.374877, 41.929698 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (23) at slot 26
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { -316.160888, 829.888671, 14.242199 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (24) at slot 27
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { -1508.885131, 2610.700439, 55.835899 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (25) at slot 28
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2556.951171, 2065.373046, 11.099499 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (26) at slot 29
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2169.414306, 2795.926269, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (99) at slot 30
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 1872.255371, 2071.885009, 11.062500 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (27) at slot 31
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { -1457.981567, 2589.977050, 55.995700 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (28) at slot 32
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { -179.197494, 1133.132446, 19.742200 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (29) at slot 33
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { -828.147399, 1504.598754, 19.852899 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (31) at slot 34
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2351.855468, 2533.619873, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (60) at slot 35
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2316.616943, -7.394700, 26.742200 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (61) at slot 36
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 230.026092, 165.089096, 1003.023376 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (62) at slot 37
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 1139.719848, -4.064400, 1000.671875 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (63) at slot 38
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 1139.719848, -4.064400, 1000.671875 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (64) at slot 39
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 1139.719848, -4.064400, 1000.671875 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (65) at slot 40
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2156.691650, 1599.537719, 1006.179687 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (66) at slot 41
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 1955.369140, 1018.045471, 992.468811 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (67) at slot 42
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 295.583312, -80.805000, 1001.515625 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (68) at slot 43
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 295.583312, -80.805000, 1001.515625 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (69) at slot 44
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 295.583312, -80.805000, 1001.515625 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (70) at slot 45
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 295.583312, -80.805000, 1001.515625 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (71) at slot 46
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 295.583312, -80.805000, 1001.515625 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (93) at slot 47
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 295.583312, -80.805000, 1001.515625 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (72) at slot 48
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 361.829895, 173.728195, 1008.382812 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (73) at slot 49
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 376.549804, -67.438903, 1001.507812 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (74) at slot 50
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 376.549804, -67.438903, 1001.507812 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (75) at slot 51
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 376.549804, -67.438903, 1001.507812 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (76) at slot 52
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 371.588806, -6.018799, 1001.858886 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (77) at slot 53
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 371.588806, -6.018799, 1001.858886 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (101) at slot 54
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 371.588806, -6.018799, 1001.858886 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (78) at slot 55
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 376.549804, -67.438903, 1001.507812 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (97) at slot 56
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 376.549804, -67.438903, 1001.507812 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (79) at slot 57
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { -10.603500, -178.263504, 1003.546875 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (80) at slot 58
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { -10.603500, -178.263504, 1003.546875 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (81) at slot 59
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { -10.603500, -178.263504, 1003.546875 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (94) at slot 60
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { -10.603500, -178.263504, 1003.546875 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (82) at slot 61
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2316.616943, -7.394700, 26.742200 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (83) at slot 62
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2316.616943, -7.394700, 26.742200 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (84) at slot 63
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2316.616943, -7.394700, 26.742200 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (85) at slot 64
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 374.756988, -118.826400, 1001.499511 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (32) at slot 65
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 196.697006, 168.154296, 1003.153320 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (33) at slot 66
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 288.862609, 166.924606, 1007.171875 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (34) at slot 67
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 238.662597, 138.689498, 1003.023376 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (35) at slot 68
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2304.688232, -16.094499, 26.742200 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (36) at slot 69
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2304.688232, -16.094499, 26.742200 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (37) at slot 70
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2304.688232, -16.094499, 26.742200 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (38) at slot 71
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2304.688232, -16.094499, 26.742200 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (39) at slot 72
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 1133.132080, -15.829600, 1000.679687 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (40) at slot 73
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 1133.132080, -15.829600, 1000.679687 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (41) at slot 74
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 1133.132080, -15.829600, 1000.679687 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (42) at slot 75
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2234.010986, 1714.684692, 1012.382812 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (43) at slot 76
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2019.067260, 1017.847412, 996.875000 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (44) at slot 77
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 285.847412, -86.774101, 1001.522888 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (45) at slot 78
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 285.847412, -86.774101, 1001.522888 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (46) at slot 79
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 285.847412, -86.774101, 1001.522888 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (47) at slot 80
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 285.847412, -86.774101, 1001.522888 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (48) at slot 81
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 285.847412, -86.774101, 1001.522888 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (92) at slot 82
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 285.847412, -86.774101, 1001.522888 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (49) at slot 83
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 390.768310, 173.787292, 1008.382812 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (50) at slot 84
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 362.873291, -75.168701, 1001.507812 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (51) at slot 85
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 362.873291, -75.168701, 1001.507812 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (52) at slot 86
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 362.873291, -75.168701, 1001.507812 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (53) at slot 87
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 364.900695, -11.767200, 1001.851623 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (54) at slot 88
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 364.900695, -11.767200, 1001.851623 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (100) at slot 89
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 364.900695, -11.767200, 1001.851623 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (55) at slot 90
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 362.873291, -75.168701, 1001.507812 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (98) at slot 91
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 362.873291, -75.168701, 1001.507812 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (56) at slot 92
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { -25.842399, -188.250503, 1003.546875 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (57) at slot 93
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { -25.842399, -188.250503, 1003.546875 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (58) at slot 94
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { -25.842399, -188.250503, 1003.546875 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (95) at slot 95
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { -25.842399, -188.250503, 1003.546875 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (59) at slot 96
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 372.260192, -133.519699, 1001.492187 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (86) at slot 97
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 1607.332885, 1816.765991, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (87) at slot 98
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 197.063796, 177.487106, 1003.023376 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (124) at slot 99
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 192.780105, 177.486495, 1003.153320 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (125) at slot 100
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 188.532501, 177.486495, 1003.153320 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (126) at slot 101
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 196.932601, 159.885696, 1003.153320 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (127) at slot 102
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 192.679000, 159.886306, 1003.153320 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (128) at slot 103
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 188.444396, 159.886199, 1003.153320 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (88) at slot 104
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2311.274169, 2324.234863, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (89) at slot 105
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 493.336395, -24.830900, 1000.679687 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (90) at slot 106
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 499.967498, -20.694400, 1000.679687 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (108) at slot 107
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 1968.769287, 2295.873046, 16.455900 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (110) at slot 108
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 773.876708, -78.822799, 1000.662780 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (111) at slot 109
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 766.771789, -59.715900, 1000.656311 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (112) at slot 110
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 768.759521, -72.736297, 1000.656311 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (103) at slot 111
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2447.669189, 2376.255615, 12.163499 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (104) at slot 112
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2487.754150, 2397.235595, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (105) at slot 113
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 246.806198, 62.322799, 1003.640625 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (107) at slot 114
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 250.056106, 69.420303, 1003.640625 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (106) at slot 115
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 242.248596, 66.310798, 1003.640625 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (113) at slot 116
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 1735.743164, 1866.151611, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (133) at slot 117
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 1949.594116, 2040.522216, 11.060999 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (114) at slot 118
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 966.246887, 2160.683593, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (115) at slot 119
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { -2488.520507, 2295.313476, 4.984399 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (116) at slot 120
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2375.578613, 2306.304443, 8.140600 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (117) at slot 121
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { -2027.000000, -104.099998, 1034.800048 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (118) at slot 122
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { -2032.790039, -117.389999, 1034.800048 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (119) at slot 123
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2147.012695, 2425.325195, 65.277297 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (120) at slot 124
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 1672.548461, 1447.871215, 10.788100 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (121) at slot 125
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 937.084411, 1733.216796, 8.851599 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (122) at slot 126
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 246.417495, 107.298301, 1003.218811 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (123) at slot 127
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 246.446701, 118.537399, 1003.218811 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (129) at slot 128
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2305.996582, 2377.820312, 11.220800 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (130) at slot 129
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 501.953613, -67.564903, 998.757812 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (131) at slot 130
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 496.477111, -76.037803, 998.757812 }
[14:45:54] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (132) at slot 131
[14:45:54] Checkpoint Position: { 2364.895507, 2377.616943, 10.820300 }
[14:45:54] [----------------------------------------]
[14:45:54] [--------- Gamemode: ZCNR / NVCNR ---------]
[14:45:54] [-------- Owner/Developer: [ND]xXZeusXx aka DopeX -------]
[14:45:54] [-- Copyright and Credits - to orignal developer Weponz. --]
[14:45:54] [----------------------------------------]
[14:45:54] Number of vehicle models: 132
[14:46:53] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[14:46:56] [join] Rock has joined the server (0:
[14:46:56] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[14:46:56] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[14:46:56] [debug] #0 00049ba4 in ?? (0) from NVCNR.amx
[14:46:56] [debug] #1 00087cd8 in public SSCANF_OnPlayerConnect (0) from NVCNR.amx
[14:46:56] [debug] #2 000390fc in public _y_utils_OnPlayerConnect (0) from NVCNR.amx
[14:46:56] [debug] #3 0000b018 in ?? (0, 1, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ... <1073741813 arguments>) from NVCNR.amx
[14:46:56] [debug] #4 0001037c in public OnPlayerConnect (0) from NVCNR.amx
[14:47:33] [part] Rock has left the server (0:2)

There is a bad line in your OnPlayerConnect, To know the exact line, switch to debug level 3 by creating a new file called pawn.cfg in your pawno directory, and write inside it "-d3" and save, recompile the script and re check the logs

what? i didnt understand

Create a new file name it "pawn.cfg" in your "pawno" folder and write inside it "-d3" and save, recompile the script, re test joining and send us the logs to know the exact line which got a problem..

i have to add this symbols also? "-d3"? and i have to creater Text document? as pawn.cfg?

1. Create a text document in Pawno folder, set its extension to .cfg and set its name to pawn.
2. Open it, write inside "-d3".
3. Save it, open your gamemode.
4. Compile, restart the server using the new gamemode.
5. Test the server again and send the error logs..

i understanded 2,3,4,5 point and 1 half becoz how to set its extension? and like this?

Yes but without ""

Then save and recompile your script and restart and re test and send the logs..


Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[15:29:55] password = ""  (string)
[15:29:55] Server Plugins
[15:29:55] --------------
[15:29:55]  Loading plugin:
[15:29:55]   CrashDetect v4.18.1 is OK.
[15:29:55]   Loaded.
[15:29:55]  Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.2 by Incognito loaded ***

[15:29:55]   Loaded.
[15:29:55]  Loading plugin:
[15:29:55]  ==================
[15:29:55]   Whirlpool loaded
[15:29:55]  ==================
[15:29:55]   Loaded.
[15:29:55]  Loading plugin:

[15:29:55]  ===============================

[15:29:55]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[15:29:55]          Version:  2.8.1        

[15:29:55]    © 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole  

[15:29:55]  ===============================

[15:29:55]   Loaded.
[15:29:55]  Loaded 4 plugins.

[15:29:56] Filterscripts
[15:29:56] ---------------
[15:29:56]   Loading filterscript 'UltraHost.amx'...
[15:29:56]   Loaded 1 filterscripts.

[15:29:56]  ======================================= 
[15:29:56]  |                                     | 
[15:29:56]  |        YSI version 4.00.0001        | 
[15:29:56]  |        By Alex "Y_Less" Cole        | 
[15:29:56]  |                                     | 
[15:29:56]  ======================================= 
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager : Version 0.1.1b] System Initialized...
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (1) at slot 0
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2268.099121, 2449.289062, -7.195300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (2) at slot 1
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2268.074462, 2449.279541, 3.531300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (3) at slot 2
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2287.040039, 2432.365966, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (4) at slot 3
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2337.164794, 2459.312988, 14.974200 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (5) at slot 4
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2297.117431, 2451.505126, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (6) at slot 5
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2296.071289, 2458.123535, 38.687500 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (7) at slot 6
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2270.976074, 2293.817871, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (8) at slot 7
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2127.586914, 2379.621093, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (9) at slot 8
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2016.976806, 1916.406494, 12.342399 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (10) at slot 9
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2196.957031, 1677.163696, 12.367199 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (11) at slot 10
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2019.319580, 1007.748718, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (12) at slot 11
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2159.540527, 943.177612, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (91) at slot 12
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2319.348632, 2391.804687, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (13) at slot 13
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2367.055175, 2071.069335, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (14) at slot 14
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2393.273681, 2041.565673, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (15) at slot 15
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2472.865478, 2034.170166, 11.062500 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (16) at slot 16
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2452.530761, 2065.190185, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (17) at slot 17
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2546.527099, 1972.657104, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (19) at slot 18
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2194.938964, 1990.994750, 12.296899 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (18) at slot 19
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2412.503906, 1123.818969, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (96) at slot 20
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2247.670166, 2396.168701, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (30) at slot 21
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 1658.495971, 2250.043701, 11.070099 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (20) at slot 22
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 1157.924560, 2072.287353, 11.062500 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (21) at slot 23
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 776.720825, 1871.436035, 4.906799 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (22) at slot 24
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 173.040206, 1177.146118, 14.757800 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (102) at slot 25
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { -1213.829223, 1830.374877, 41.929698 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (23) at slot 26
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { -316.160888, 829.888671, 14.242199 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (24) at slot 27
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { -1508.885131, 2610.700439, 55.835899 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (25) at slot 28
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2556.951171, 2065.373046, 11.099499 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (26) at slot 29
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2169.414306, 2795.926269, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (99) at slot 30
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 1872.255371, 2071.885009, 11.062500 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (27) at slot 31
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { -1457.981567, 2589.977050, 55.995700 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (28) at slot 32
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { -179.197494, 1133.132446, 19.742200 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (29) at slot 33
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { -828.147399, 1504.598754, 19.852899 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (31) at slot 34
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2351.855468, 2533.619873, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (60) at slot 35
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2316.616943, -7.394700, 26.742200 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (61) at slot 36
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 230.026092, 165.089096, 1003.023376 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (62) at slot 37
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 1139.719848, -4.064400, 1000.671875 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (63) at slot 38
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 1139.719848, -4.064400, 1000.671875 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (64) at slot 39
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 1139.719848, -4.064400, 1000.671875 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (65) at slot 40
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2156.691650, 1599.537719, 1006.179687 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (66) at slot 41
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 1955.369140, 1018.045471, 992.468811 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (67) at slot 42
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 295.583312, -80.805000, 1001.515625 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (68) at slot 43
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 295.583312, -80.805000, 1001.515625 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (69) at slot 44
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 295.583312, -80.805000, 1001.515625 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (70) at slot 45
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 295.583312, -80.805000, 1001.515625 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (71) at slot 46
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 295.583312, -80.805000, 1001.515625 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (93) at slot 47
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 295.583312, -80.805000, 1001.515625 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (72) at slot 48
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 361.829895, 173.728195, 1008.382812 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (73) at slot 49
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 376.549804, -67.438903, 1001.507812 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (74) at slot 50
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 376.549804, -67.438903, 1001.507812 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (75) at slot 51
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 376.549804, -67.438903, 1001.507812 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (76) at slot 52
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 371.588806, -6.018799, 1001.858886 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (77) at slot 53
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 371.588806, -6.018799, 1001.858886 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (101) at slot 54
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 371.588806, -6.018799, 1001.858886 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (78) at slot 55
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 376.549804, -67.438903, 1001.507812 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (97) at slot 56
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 376.549804, -67.438903, 1001.507812 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (79) at slot 57
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { -10.603500, -178.263504, 1003.546875 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (80) at slot 58
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { -10.603500, -178.263504, 1003.546875 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (81) at slot 59
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { -10.603500, -178.263504, 1003.546875 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (94) at slot 60
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { -10.603500, -178.263504, 1003.546875 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (82) at slot 61
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2316.616943, -7.394700, 26.742200 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (83) at slot 62
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2316.616943, -7.394700, 26.742200 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (84) at slot 63
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2316.616943, -7.394700, 26.742200 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (85) at slot 64
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 374.756988, -118.826400, 1001.499511 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (32) at slot 65
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 196.697006, 168.154296, 1003.153320 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (33) at slot 66
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 288.862609, 166.924606, 1007.171875 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (34) at slot 67
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 238.662597, 138.689498, 1003.023376 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (35) at slot 68
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2304.688232, -16.094499, 26.742200 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (36) at slot 69
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2304.688232, -16.094499, 26.742200 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (37) at slot 70
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2304.688232, -16.094499, 26.742200 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (38) at slot 71
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2304.688232, -16.094499, 26.742200 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (39) at slot 72
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 1133.132080, -15.829600, 1000.679687 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (40) at slot 73
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 1133.132080, -15.829600, 1000.679687 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (41) at slot 74
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 1133.132080, -15.829600, 1000.679687 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (42) at slot 75
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2234.010986, 1714.684692, 1012.382812 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (43) at slot 76
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2019.067260, 1017.847412, 996.875000 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (44) at slot 77
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 285.847412, -86.774101, 1001.522888 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (45) at slot 78
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 285.847412, -86.774101, 1001.522888 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (46) at slot 79
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 285.847412, -86.774101, 1001.522888 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (47) at slot 80
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 285.847412, -86.774101, 1001.522888 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (48) at slot 81
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 285.847412, -86.774101, 1001.522888 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (92) at slot 82
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 285.847412, -86.774101, 1001.522888 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (49) at slot 83
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 390.768310, 173.787292, 1008.382812 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (50) at slot 84
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 362.873291, -75.168701, 1001.507812 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (51) at slot 85
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 362.873291, -75.168701, 1001.507812 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (52) at slot 86
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 362.873291, -75.168701, 1001.507812 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (53) at slot 87
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 364.900695, -11.767200, 1001.851623 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (54) at slot 88
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 364.900695, -11.767200, 1001.851623 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (100) at slot 89
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 364.900695, -11.767200, 1001.851623 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (55) at slot 90
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 362.873291, -75.168701, 1001.507812 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (98) at slot 91
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 362.873291, -75.168701, 1001.507812 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (56) at slot 92
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { -25.842399, -188.250503, 1003.546875 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (57) at slot 93
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { -25.842399, -188.250503, 1003.546875 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (58) at slot 94
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { -25.842399, -188.250503, 1003.546875 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (95) at slot 95
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { -25.842399, -188.250503, 1003.546875 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (59) at slot 96
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 372.260192, -133.519699, 1001.492187 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (86) at slot 97
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 1607.332885, 1816.765991, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (87) at slot 98
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 197.063796, 177.487106, 1003.023376 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (124) at slot 99
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 192.780105, 177.486495, 1003.153320 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (125) at slot 100
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 188.532501, 177.486495, 1003.153320 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (126) at slot 101
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 196.932601, 159.885696, 1003.153320 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (127) at slot 102
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 192.679000, 159.886306, 1003.153320 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (128) at slot 103
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 188.444396, 159.886199, 1003.153320 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (88) at slot 104
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2311.274169, 2324.234863, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (89) at slot 105
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 493.336395, -24.830900, 1000.679687 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (90) at slot 106
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 499.967498, -20.694400, 1000.679687 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (108) at slot 107
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 1968.769287, 2295.873046, 16.455900 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (110) at slot 108
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 773.876708, -78.822799, 1000.662780 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (111) at slot 109
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 766.771789, -59.715900, 1000.656311 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (112) at slot 110
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 768.759521, -72.736297, 1000.656311 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (103) at slot 111
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2447.669189, 2376.255615, 12.163499 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (104) at slot 112
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2487.754150, 2397.235595, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (105) at slot 113
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 246.806198, 62.322799, 1003.640625 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (107) at slot 114
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 250.056106, 69.420303, 1003.640625 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (106) at slot 115
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 242.248596, 66.310798, 1003.640625 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (113) at slot 116
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 1735.743164, 1866.151611, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (133) at slot 117
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 1949.594116, 2040.522216, 11.060999 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (114) at slot 118
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 966.246887, 2160.683593, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (115) at slot 119
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { -2488.520507, 2295.313476, 4.984399 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (116) at slot 120
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2375.578613, 2306.304443, 8.140600 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (117) at slot 121
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { -2027.000000, -104.099998, 1034.800048 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (118) at slot 122
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { -2032.790039, -117.389999, 1034.800048 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (119) at slot 123
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2147.012695, 2425.325195, 65.277297 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (120) at slot 124
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 1672.548461, 1447.871215, 10.788100 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (121) at slot 125
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 937.084411, 1733.216796, 8.851599 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (122) at slot 126
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 246.417495, 107.298301, 1003.218811 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (123) at slot 127
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 246.446701, 118.537399, 1003.218811 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (129) at slot 128
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2305.996582, 2377.820312, 11.220800 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (130) at slot 129
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 501.953613, -67.564903, 998.757812 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (131) at slot 130
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 496.477111, -76.037803, 998.757812 }
[15:30:08] [Checkpoint Manager] Checkpoint created (132) at slot 131
[15:30:08] Checkpoint Position: { 2364.895507, 2377.616943, 10.820300 }
[15:30:08] [----------------------------------------]
[15:30:08] [--------- Gamemode: ZCNR / NVCNR ---------]
[15:30:08] [-------- Owner/Developer: [ND]xXZeusXx aka DopeX -------]
[15:30:08] [-- Copyright and Credits - to orignal developer Weponz. --]
[15:30:08] [----------------------------------------]
[15:30:08] Number of vehicle models: 132
[15:30:56] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[15:30:57] [join] Rock has joined the server (0:
[15:30:57] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[15:30:57] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[15:30:57] [debug] #0 00058934 in LoadPlayerVehicles (playerid=0) at C:\Users\ANSH\Desktop\Zeus's Cops and robbers 0.3z\gamemode\NVCNR.pwn:2288
[15:30:57] [debug] #1 000a775c in public SSCANF_OnPlayerConnect (playerid=0) at C:\Users\ANSH\Desktop\Zeus's Cops and robbers 0.3z\gamemode\NVCNR.pwn:6927
[15:30:57] [debug] #2 000440a8 in public _y_utils_OnPlayerConnect (playerid=0) at E:\Pwn\pawno\include\
[15:30:57] [debug] #3 0000ce0c in OnPlayerConnect (playerid=0, ... <1073741822 arguments>) at E:\Pwn\pawno\include\YSI\..\YSI_Storage\..\YSI_Core\
[15:30:57] [debug] #4 000130a0 in public OnPlayerConnect (... <1 argument>) at E:\Pwn\pawno\include\YSI\..\YSI_Storage\..\YSI_Coding\..\YSI_Internal\
[15:31:06] [part] Rock has left the server (0:2)


Show me the line 2288 and the surrounding lines..

and line 6927 and the surrounding lines..

and use the latest version of sscanf and YSI package..

line 2288 till 2292
				    blueneons[newveh] = CreateObject(18648,0,0,0,0,0,0);
            		blueneons2[newveh] = CreateObject(18648,0,0,0,0,0,0);
            		AttachObjectToVehicle(blueneons[newveh], newveh, -0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            		AttachObjectToVehicle(blueneons2[newveh], newveh, 0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
6927 till 6929

SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, 0);
+ i added YSI 4 and new sscanf includes

I want also the previous lines for 6927 and 2288 and it would be very good if u sent the whole function..

hole function of line 2288

 stock LoadPlayerVehicles(playerid)
    GetPlayerVehicles{playerid} = 0;
    verifydestroycar{playerid} = 0;
	new vehcount = 0;
    for(new v = 0; v < MAX_SHOP_VEHICLES; v++)
	    new file[40];
		format(file, sizeof(file), VEH_FILE, v);
        	INI_ParseFile(file, "LoadVeh_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = v);

            if(!strcmp(GetName(playerid), VehicleInfo[v][vOwner], false))
				new newveh = CreateVehicle(VehicleInfo[v][vModel], VehicleInfo[v][vPosX], VehicleInfo[v][vPosY], VehicleInfo[v][vPosZ], VehicleInfo[v][vPosA], VehicleInfo[v][vColor1], VehicleInfo[v][vColor2], 500000);
				SetVehicleNumberPlate(newveh, VehicleInfo[v][vPlate]);
				if(VehicleInfo[v][vPaintJob] != 0)
					ChangeVehiclePaintjob(newveh, VehicleInfo[v][vPaintJob]);
				if(VehicleInfo[v][vHealth] <= 251.0)
					SetVehicleHealth(newveh, 1000.0);
					VehicleInfo[v][vHealth] = 1000.0;
					SetVehicleHealth(newveh, VehicleInfo[v][vHealth]);

				for(new m = 0; m < 12; m++)
					if(GetVehicleMods[v][m] > 0)
						AddVehicleComponent(newveh, GetVehicleMods[v][m]);

				if(VehicleInfo[v][vLocked] == 1)
					SetVehicleParamsForAll(newveh, 0, 1);
        			GetVehicleParamsEx(newveh, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, condition);
					SetVehicleParamsEx(newveh, engine, lights, alarm, ON, bonnet, boot, condition);
				else if(VehicleInfo[v][vLocked] == 0)
					SetVehicleParamsForAll(newveh, 0, 0);
        			GetVehicleParamsEx(newveh, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, condition);
					SetVehicleParamsEx(newveh, engine, lights, alarm, OFF, bonnet, boot, condition);
				if(VehicleInfo[v][vNeons] != NO_NEONS && VehicleInfo[v][vNeons] == BLUE_NEONS)
				    blueneons[newveh] = CreateObject(18648,0,0,0,0,0,0);
            		blueneons2[newveh] = CreateObject(18648,0,0,0,0,0,0);
            		AttachObjectToVehicle(blueneons[newveh], newveh, -0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            		AttachObjectToVehicle(blueneons2[newveh], newveh, 0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
				else if(VehicleInfo[v][vNeons] != NO_NEONS && VehicleInfo[v][vNeons] == RED_NEONS)
				    redneons[newveh] = CreateObject(18647,0,0,0,0,0,0);
            		redneons2[newveh] = CreateObject(18647,0,0,0,0,0,0);
            		AttachObjectToVehicle(redneons[newveh], newveh, -0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            		AttachObjectToVehicle(redneons2[newveh], newveh, 0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
				else if(VehicleInfo[v][vNeons] != NO_NEONS && VehicleInfo[v][vNeons] == GREEN_NEONS)
				    greenneons[newveh] = CreateObject(18649,0,0,0,0,0,0);
            		greenneons2[newveh] = CreateObject(18649,0,0,0,0,0,0);
            		AttachObjectToVehicle(greenneons[newveh], newveh, -0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            		AttachObjectToVehicle(greenneons2[newveh], newveh, 0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
				else if(VehicleInfo[v][vNeons] != NO_NEONS && VehicleInfo[v][vNeons] == YELLOW_NEONS)
				    yellowneons[newveh] = CreateObject(18650,0,0,0,0,0,0);
            		yellowneons2[newveh] = CreateObject(18650,0,0,0,0,0,0);
            		AttachObjectToVehicle(yellowneons[newveh], newveh, -0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            		AttachObjectToVehicle(yellowneons2[newveh], newveh, 0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
				else if(VehicleInfo[v][vNeons] != NO_NEONS && VehicleInfo[v][vNeons] == PINK_NEONS)
				    pinkneons[newveh] = CreateObject(18651,0,0,0,0,0,0);
            		pinkneons2[newveh] = CreateObject(18651,0,0,0,0,0,0);
            		AttachObjectToVehicle(pinkneons[newveh], newveh, -0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            		AttachObjectToVehicle(pinkneons2[newveh], newveh, 0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

	        	IsShopVehicle[newveh] = v;
				GetVehicleFuel[newveh] = VehicleInfo[v][vFuel];
				GetVehicleCurrentHealth[newveh] = VehicleInfo[v][vHealth];


	        	if(vehcount == MAX_VIP_VEHS)
				    return 1;
	return 1;
hole of 6927

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	//Anti-BOT Attack (BETA)
	new ip_check[50], ban[64], elvis[150];
    GetPlayerIp(playerid, ip_check, sizeof(ip_check));
    new get_ip_count = GetIPCount(ip_check);
	if(get_ip_count > MAX_IP_CONNECTS)
	    printf("Removing suspected BOT ip: %s...", ip_check);
	    format(elvis, sizeof(elvis), "Elvis Has Banned %s (%d)  From ZCNR - Reason: BOT Detected", GetName(playerid), playerid);
	   	SendClientMessageToAll(RED, elvis);
	    format(ban, sizeof(ban), "banip %s", ip_check);
        return 1;
    GetPlayerLastVehicleID[playerid] = -1;
    SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
    SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
	if(IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) return 1;
	JailTime[playerid] = 0;
	CageTime[playerid] = 0;
	ZoneTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("Update_Zones", 1000, true, "d", playerid);
    ZoneUpdates[playerid] = 1;
	Player_Zone[playerid] = -1;
	IsPlayersFirstSpawn{playerid} = true;

	HasDied{playerid} = false;
    HasSpawned{playerid} = false;
    IsPlayerUsingTuneMenu{playerid} = false;
    HasBeenArrested{playerid} = false;
    IsNewbieMutted{playerid} = false;
    HasShieldAttached{playerid} = false;
    HasBandanaAttached{playerid} = false;
    HasBeenTied{playerid} = false;
    HasBeenCuffed{playerid} = false;
    IsCaged{playerid} = false;
    IsInCellCP{playerid} = false;
    IsInCellCP1{playerid} = false;
    IsInCellCP2{playerid} = false;
    IsInCellCP3{playerid} = false;
    IsInCellCP4{playerid} = false;
    IsInCellCP5{playerid} = false;
    IsInCellCP6{playerid} = false;
    CanESC{playerid} = true;
    GoToJail{playerid} = false;
	IsJailed{playerid} = false;
    HasSavedPos{playerid} = false;
    HasSpawned{playerid} = false;
    IsPlayerEditingObject{playerid} = false;
    IsPlayerAttachingObject{playerid} = false;
    IsPlayerRobbingBiz{playerid} = false;
    IsPlayerSetBuilder{playerid} = false;
	IsPlayerRobbingHouse{playerid} = false;
	IsPlayerInArena{playerid} = false;
	IsPlayerGettingMatsNV{playerid} = false;
	IsPlayerGettingMatsBS{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingIsle{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingVegas{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingRedsands{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingCalg{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingDrag{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingNVPD{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingClub{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingGym{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingBank1{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingBank2{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingBank3{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingBank4{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingNVPD{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingHall{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingBar{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingFBI{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingUNI{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingCIA{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingAmmu1{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingAmmu2{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingAmmu3{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingAmmu4{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingAmmu5{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingAmmu6{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingShot1{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingShot2{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingShot3{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingShot4{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingShot5{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingCluck1{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingCluck2{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingCluck3{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingStore1{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingStore2{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingStore3{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingStore4{playerid} = false;
    IsRobbingPizza{playerid} = false;
    HasBeenIssuedTicket{playerid} = false;
    IsVIPInColorMode{playerid} = false;
    HasChangedSkin{playerid} = false;
    IsPlayerUsingAnim{playerid} = false;
    HasPlayerDiedInJail{playerid} = false;
    HasPlayerDiedInCage{playerid} = false;
	HasBandanaAttached{playerid} = false;
	HasShieldAttached{playerid} = false;
	IsAdminUnderCover{playerid} = false;

 	RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 0);
	RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 1);
    SpecInfo[playerid][IsSpectating] = -1;
    IsAdminSpectating{playerid} = false;
    IsPlayerBeingSpectated{playerid} = false;
    PlayerBeingSpectatedBy[playerid] = -1;

	hasenteredtower{playerid} = 0;

    IsInCell{playerid} = 0;
    InMateID[playerid] = 0;

    BizRobCP[playerid] = -1;
    BizID[playerid] = -1;

    HasHit[playerid] = 0;
	HasPlacedHit[playerid] = -1;
	BomberStage{playerid} = 0;

    IsLoggedIn{playerid} = 0;
    BribeTo[playerid] = -1;
	Bribe[playerid] = -1;
	BribeFrom[playerid] = -1;
    IsInGod{playerid} = 0;
    IsOnduty{playerid} = 0;
    IsInGodCar{playerid} = 0;
    IsMuted{playerid} = 0;
    IsIgnoringPMs{playerid} = 0;
    HasLotteryTicket{playerid} = 0;
    HasMadeEvent{playerid} = 0;
	IsAtEvent{playerid} = 0;
	HasAdminStoppedJoins = 0;
	text_line_count{playerid} = 0;
    HasSetCheckpoint{playerid} = 0;
    lastx[playerid] = 0.0;
	lasty[playerid] = 0.0;
	lastz[playerid] = 0.0;
	chattingwith[playerid] = -1;
	shotsfired[playerid] = 0;

	pGroupInfo[playerid][gid] = -1;
	pGroupInfo[playerid][invited] = -1;
	pGroupInfo[playerid][attemptjoin] = -1;

    verifydestroycar{playerid} = 0;
    for(new o = 0; o < MAX_SET_OBJECTS; o++)
    	GetSetObjects[playerid][o] = -1;
	GetSetObjectsCount[playerid] = 0;

    SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, 0);

    SetPlayerColor(playerid, GREY);
    TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw0);
    TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw1);
    TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw2);
    TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw3);
    TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw4);
    TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw5);
    TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw6);
    TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw7);
    TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw8);
    TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw9);
    TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw10);
    TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, true);
 	TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, NVCNRInfo[playerid]);
 	TextDrawSetString(NVCNRInfo[playerid], "~w~Z~b~~h~C~w~N~r~~h~R V~w~1 ~p~~h~Beta ~b~~h~Forum: ~w~...");

    SetPVarInt(playerid, "LastHouseCP", -1);
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "IsInHouse", 0);
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 0, 2296.2930,2461.4600,38.6875, 30, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//nvpd
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 1, 2270.9761,2293.8179,10.8203, 52, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//nv city bank
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 2, 2127.5869,2379.6211,10.8203, 44, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//isle casino
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 3, 2016.9768,1916.4065,12.3424, 44, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//new vegas casino
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 4, 2196.9570,1677.1637,12.3672, 25, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//caligulas casino
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 5, 2019.3196,1007.7487,10.8203, 43, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//4 dragons casino
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 6, 2159.5405,943.1776,10.8203, 6, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//ammu1
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 7, 2367.0552,2071.0693,10.8203, 10, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//burger1
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 9, 2393.2737,2041.5657,10.8203, 14, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//cluck1
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 10, 2472.8655,2034.1702,11.0625, 10, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//burger2
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 11, 2452.5308,2065.1902,10.8203, 50, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//24/1
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 12, 2546.5271,1972.6571,10.8203, 50, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//24/2
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 13, 2412.5039,1123.8190,10.8203, 30, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//cityhall
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 14, 2194.9390,1990.9948,12.2969, 50, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//24/3
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 15, 1658.4960,2250.0437,11.0701, 43, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//redsands casino
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 16, 1607.3329,1816.7660,10.8203, 22, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//hospital
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 17, 1672.5485,1447.8712,10.7881, 5, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//airport
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 18, 1157.9246,2072.2874,11.0625, 10, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//burger3
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 19, 937.0844,1733.2168,8.8516, 30, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//cia
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 20, 776.7208,1871.4360,4.9068, 6, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//ammu2
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 21, 173.0402,1177.1461,14.7578, 14, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//cluck2
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 22, -316.1609,829.8887,14.2422, 6, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//ammu3
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 23, -1508.8851,2610.7004,55.8359, 6, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//ammu4
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 24, 2169.4143,2795.9263,10.8203, 10, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//burger4
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 25, -1457.9816,2589.9771,55.9957, 52, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//el que bank
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 26, -179.1975,1133.1324,19.7422, 52, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//fort bank
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 27, -828.1474,1504.5988,19.8529, 52, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//los barraques bank
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 28, 2351.8555,2533.6199,10.8203, 29, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//pizza1
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 29, 2556.9512,2065.3730,11.0995, 6, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//ammu5
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 30, 1735.7432,1866.1516,10.8203, 55, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//carshop
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 31, 2114.8848,920.2251,10.8203, 27, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//service station
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 32, 2639.7700,1106.1627,10.8203, 27, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//service station
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 33, 2202.4160,2474.7686,10.8203, 27, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//service station
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 34, 2147.2354,2747.9351,10.8203, 27, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//service station
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 35, 1596.1118,2198.9944,10.8203, 27, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//service station
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 36, 612.0298,1695.0731,6.9922, 27, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//service station
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 37, -1328.3317,2677.4412,50.0625, 27, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//service station
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 38, -1471.3004,1864.1031,32.6328, 27, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//service station
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 39, 2311.2742,2324.2349,10.8203, 48, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//night club
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 40, 2319.3486,2391.8047,10.8203, 6, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//ammu6
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 45, 2247.6702,2396.1687,10.8203, 50, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//24/4
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 46, 1872.2554,2071.8850,11.0625, 10, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//burger5
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 47, -1213.8292,1830.3749,41.9297, 14, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//cluck3
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 48, 2447.6692,2376.2556,12.1635, 30, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//FBI HQ
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 49, 1968.7693,2295.8730,16.4559, 54, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//NV GYM
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 50, 966.2469,2160.6836,10.8203, 56, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//Mats pickup(LV)
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 51, -2488.5205,2295.3135,4.9844, 56, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//Mats pickup(BS)
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 52, 2375.5786,2306.3044,8.1406, 36, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//NVU
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 53, 1976.0565,2162.1646,11.0703, 63, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//Paint Shop
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 54, -1420.3623,2583.7390,55.8433, 63, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//Paint Shop
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 55, -99.9229,1118.1846,19.7417, 63, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//Paint Shop
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 56, 1602.5015,1615.4475,10.8203, 27, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//Airport service station
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 57, -2322.4451,2298.0378,-0.5677, 27, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//Bayside marina service station
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 58, 2305.9966,2377.8203,11.2208, 49, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//New Vegas Bar
	SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 59, 2364.8955,2377.6169,10.8203, 31, 0, MAPICON_LOCAL);//New Vegas Apartments
    format(fstr3, sizeof(fstr3),"%s (%d) Has Joined ZCNR", GetName(playerid), playerid);
	SendClientMessageToAll(GREY, fstr3);
	new ip[50], stringg[150];
	GetPlayerIp(playerid, ip, sizeof(ip));
	format(stringg, sizeof(stringg),"{FF0000}Admin Notification: {FFFFFF}[IP]: %s [%d] - %s", GetName(playerid), playerid, ip);
	SendAdminMessage(-1, stringg);

	SendClientMessage(playerid, WHITE, "Welcome To Zeus's {3333FF}Cops {FFFFFF}And {FF0000}Robbers.");
	SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FFFFFF}_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________");
	SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}Warning: {FFCCCC}The Content Of This Server And That Of GTA San Andreas Contain Explict Material.");
	SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FFCCCC}Visit Our Forums For More Information About {FFFFFF}Z{3333FF}C{FFFFFF}N{FF0000}R");
	SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FFFFFF}_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________");
	return 1;

Is parsing file directly? If not, data could be null or not loaded properly. Debug to see yourself:
pawn Код:
INI_ParseFile(file, "LoadVeh_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = v);

printf("DEBUG LoadPlayerVehicles:\nvOwner: \"%s\"\nvModel: %d", VehicleInfo[v][vOwner], VehicleInfo[v][vModel]);

if(!strcmp(GetName(playerid), VehicleInfo[v][vOwner], false))
The problem probably lies with vModel. If model ID is not valid, CreateVehicle will return 65535 which is out of bounds (run time error 4).

Which line is 2288? and which is 6927?

2288 = blueneons[newveh] = CreateObject(18648,0,0,0,0,0,0);

6927 = SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, 0);

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