01.03.2014, 11:22
is they any faster pwn compiler because mine seems to take time just to compile if so can you link me anything that makes it compile to AMX faster without messing any coding up.
CPU and RAM speed will directly affect the compiler speed.
The best cheap way to speed it up still is to optimize the script, or to optimize the frequency of compiling. Unless you got no idea what youre doing you dont neccessarily need to compile the gamemode every new line. With some plans and attention you can also write several hundred lines without compiling it, and without the risk to add compiler crash bugs that take hours to fix. Alternatively, just use the compiling time and continue working on the script (you might need to use another editor as not all editors run the compiler in background). The compiler just reads the script once, so theres no problem with saving it once the compiler is running (afaik). However, this kind of scripting can be nasty at some points, especially when youre already in some completely different part of the code when the compiler tells you theres a problem in the part your wrote 15 minutes ago. So in order to use the time effectively you should be able to focus on multiple parts of the script at once. Then youre not losing any time to the slow compiler. |
Those editors are just that - editors. They aren't different compilers. They all use pawncc.exe.
Yup, pawncc is only choice you have. I'll attempt to write one based on LLVM, but not in the nearest future. https://github.com/Zeex/pawn/ - you can rewrite pawncc better if you know how.
CreateDynamicObject(214, 2140.024, 2140.02, 242.22, 4.42, 340.3, 34.0); CreateDynamicObject(214, 2140.024, 2140.02, 242.22, 4.42, 340.3, 34.0); CreateDynamicObject(214, 2140.024, 2140.02, 242.22, 4.42, 340.3, 34.0); [...]
while(fread(file, line)) { if(sscanf(line, "iffffff", model, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz)) continue; CreateDynamicObject(model, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz); }
switch (somevar) { case 0 .. 4999: { // Do something } case 5000 .. 9999: { // Do something } case 10000 .. 14999: { // Do something } }
if (0 <= somevar <= 4999) // Do something if (5000 <= somevar <= 9999) // Do something if (10000 <= somevar <= 14999) // Do something