I understand that I have several, but in this case I will not use it for other things, simply for environment and I do not want to store the actor in a variable, is it obligatory?
This is my code for the job.
return true;
JobData[i][SQLID] = i;
JobData[i][Type] = 1;
new name[40];
strcat(name, "Camioneros de Los Santos", sizeof(name));
JobData[i][Name] = name;
JobData[i][JoinX] = 2182.6084;
JobData[i][JoinY] = -2253.1833;
JobData[i][JoinZ] = 14.7764;
JobData[i][PointX][0] = 2156.0164;
JobData[i][PointY][0] = -2252.6643;
JobData[i][PointZ][0] = 13.2997;
CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("Jefe de camioneros\nArmando Vera", 0xFFFFFFFFF, 2181.9846, -2252.5320, 14.7734+1.05, 5, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 1, 0, 0, -1, 5.0);
CreateDynamicActor(16, 2181.9846, -2252.5320, 14.7734, 224.8581, 0, 100.0, 0, 0);
CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("їQuieres trabajo?\n/unirme", 0xFFFFFFFFF, 2182.6084, -2253.1833, 14.7764, 5, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 1, 0, 0, -1, 5.0);
CreateDynamicCP(2182.6084, -2253.1833, 14.7764, 0.5, 0, 0, -1, 5.0); // POSIBLEMENTE ACA DA CRASH
return true;
LoadServerJobs() Is ejecuted OnGameModeInit