Bug List (CLIENT) (Updated frequently)

A New BUG :

when we write "%" in server, server will show it "#".


Originally Posted by Karlip
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- Climbing over objects sometimes kills you. (FIX: None.)
The fix to this is turning ON frame limiter, or have less then 45 FPS!

Originally Posted by M3HR4N
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A New BUG :

when we write "%" in server, server will show it "#".

This is already known for ages but is not a bug though.

Originally Posted by Jimmy0wns
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This is already known for ages but is not a bug though.
That's actually an explicitly written feature.

Also, I've solved the blunts and bottles on the spawn screen issue.

Thank you guys for fixing these bugs you you've tired through

There seems to be a bug with the client not removing textures from memory causing a memory leak.


Originally Posted by Jimmy0wns
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This is already known for ages but is not a bug though.
I was wondering what it was, can you tell me what it's supposed to do?

Thanks in advance,

When use "createobject" with a command if you dob,t move you can't see the object, but he was created and exist. When you move just litlle the object appear. Is just like the command /crb (createroadblock) if you don't move the barrier don't appear. And is very angry. This bug can be fixxed?


- Carjacking someone from the passenger door and pressing shift at the same time will kill the driver on sliding to the drivers' seat. (FIX: None.)

Any fix for this yet? Very annoying that a player can just kill you like that.

Originally Posted by Onfroi
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Any fix for this yet? Very annoying that a player can just kill you like that.
You can manually detect if a player jacks another person through OnPlayerKeyStateChange, OnPlayerStateChange, and OnPlayerDeath.


To the person who deleted my post: It would have been really nice to send my a pm WHY you deleted my post, because what I reported WAS a SA-MP bug (NOT Server or San Andreas Bug) and also the MOST critical one..so next time please send me a pm -.-

Also found another one rn: You cannot die from explosions as long as you are on a mountainbike or bmx

Thread that hasn't been updated in 3 years, and hasn't been posted on in a year, gets a random bump.

I ran into a bug in this version. Custom sprites, boxes become invisible if they are often shown and hidden. So, the correct transparency of textdraws is not shown.

Another bug:
Client's mouse froze. Is there a fix other than reinstalling whole GTA SA?

Originally Posted by antixgaming
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Another bug:
Client's mouse froze. Is there a fix other than reinstalling whole GTA SA?
So highly likely that it's the players machine, than a bug in GTA SA... Intel drivers usually have something to do with this.

(At least the last time I saw a mouse issue, in SA, it was back to the drivers for the intel graphics card needed to be downgraded and put back to a specific version. Now though, Windows 10 should handle it entirely. Really, this will come back to a setup issue on the players machine.)

There can be a fix to bug number 15. A basic unfreeze will fix it.

If that player who tries to kick the player out of the vehicle isn't in the vehicle after a certain amount of seconds, TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);


- Pressing ESC and having the Single player menu will make you invincible from all the things that happen in the server. (FIX: None yet)

Weapon-config is a fix

Any solution for the Respect - bug?

Originally Posted by WeedBong
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Any solution for the Respect - bug?
None which can be done from the server, since the game client itself attributes loss of respect to a strong monetary loss. All you can do is instruct your players to ignore the message.

It's OK with ignoring it, the problem it is that it causes me to crash afterwards.

Is there anything that can be done from the client to remove the bug for good?

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