Help with a timer to use the command per minute.

Hello again. I need some help creating a timer to use the command once per minute So players can't spam it.

pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/fart", true) == 0) {
new string[256];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));
format(string, sizeof(string), "EEW! %s has just farted!.", pName);
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFF00AA, string);
return 1;
How to do that? Thanks

Take a look in the pinned optimise topic, it has an example.

And you don't need 256 cells, 128 is enough.

Put this at the top where you put the new variables.
pawn Код:
new FartTimer[MAX_PLAYERS];
and add this where you add forward:
pawn Код:
forward FartTimerOff(playerid);
and change your command to this:
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/fart", true) == 0) {
if(FartTimer[playerid] == 1)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "You must wait to do that again.");
return 1;
new string[256];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));
format(string, sizeof(string), "EEW! %s has just farted!.", pName);
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFF00AA, string);
FartTimer[playerid] = 1;
SetTimer("FartTimerOff", 60000, 0);//change this 60000 to your timer, this is in milli secconds.
return 1;
and add this where you add Public:
pawn Код:
public FartTimerOff(playerid)
if(FartTimer[playerid] == 1)
FartTimer[playerid] == 0;
return 1;
Regards, Adil.

Originally Posted by Adil_Rahoo
Put this at the top where you put the new variables.
pawn Код:
new FartTimer[MAX_PLAYERS];
and add this where you add forward:
pawn Код:
forward FartTimerOff(playerid);
and change your command to this:
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/fart", true) == 0) {
if(FartTimer[playerid] == 1)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "You must wait to do that again.");
return 1;
new string[256];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));
format(string, sizeof(string), "EEW! %s has just farted!.", pName);
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFF00AA, string);
FartTimer[playerid] = 1;
SetTimer("FartTimerOff", 60000, 0);//change this 60000 to your timer, this is in milli secconds.
return 1;
and add this where you add Public:
pawn Код:
public FartTimerOff(playerid)
if(FartTimer[playerid] == 1)
FartTimer[playerid] == 0;
return 1;
Regards, Adil.
pawn Код:
public FartTimerOff(playerid)
if(FartTimer[playerid] == 1)
FartTimer[playerid] = 0;
return 1;
Use the FartTimerOff function I've provided, as Adil's has an error.

Originally Posted by Calgon
Use the FartTimerOff function I've provided, as Adil's has an error.
Oh, i added one extra "=", my bad.

Regards, Adil.

1 Warning, it's the last } I can't remove.

warning 209: function "FartTimerOff" should return a value

You don't need a timer to do this guys:

pawn Код:
  gLastTime[ MAX_PLAYERS ] = 0;

//connect and disconnect
gLastTime[ playerid ] = 0;

//text or command or pm, wherever you want
if ( ( gettime() - gLastTime[ playerid ] ) < SOME_AMOUNT_OF_SECONDS )
  //they are spamming so tell them or return false ?
else gLastTime[ playerid ] = gettime();
That will run only when they actually send a text and not every ** amount of seconds like a timer would.

Timers slow your sync, always best to use a work around when possible (well most cases).

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