Player Total Online time help

Hi guys

You know every admin fliterscripts save player total online time in the format of hours, minutes and seconds.
Can anyone help me to make it as it saves player total online time in the format of years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds.

Help Me Please guys who watching this post.

Thank you.

Please help me guys
Kovac help me pls.

you can make timer for that.
to get player play time and save it

i save in hours, minutes and secs but i wanted to save players played years, months and days too. How

you can use gatedate();

can you give me script pls

this is not request for script thread

so how can i get that script

try yourself , if you not get make it then show us code that much you did then here we are to help you

You can save time played by a player in seconds, to then recalculate it in minutes, hours, days, months and years.

Just some simple maths convenient to anyone who knows Earth's time scaling. DIY, holler at us if you have some difficulties DURING the coding process - it is not that we do not tolerate freeloaders, but we hugely encourage people to try and code themselves to actually learn something, or else it's all useless.

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