How to export 'original' object lightning

The street should be the same color as the other one, but mine is too much light. Anyone know how to fix this?


Put it into texture studio, then do this
  • Go to the place where this road is
  • Use /gtaobjects and grab the ID of it.
  • Use /swapbuilding [INDEX] to make it a map object (Don't use the square objects)
  • Use /sindex and your road will be marked in green with seperate tilings, with numbers like 0,1,2, etc.
  • Use /mtcolor [TILE ID] 0xFFFFFFFF (Without the square brackets, replace the TILE ID with the ID in the green thingy, whichever part of your object is marked with the number.)
  • Do the same to both of the roads, and they'll be alright.

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