17.03.2018, 14:43
Hi. I want to make several missions
/mission 1
/mission 2
but i want to make a single command /mission and randomly to give those missions [1,2,3] and 1 mission per hour, even if the same mission gets repeated.
Player on East LS. Types /mission
Error mesage: Go to Army Stadion . (Places checkpoint on Army Stadion)
He goes into checkpoint, types /mission.
He gets random mission.
How can i start?
is this good?
/mission 1
/mission 2
but i want to make a single command /mission and randomly to give those missions [1,2,3] and 1 mission per hour, even if the same mission gets repeated.
Player on East LS. Types /mission
Error mesage: Go to Army Stadion . (Places checkpoint on Army Stadion)
He goes into checkpoint, types /mission.
He gets random mission.
How can i start?
PHP код:
if (IsPlayerInCheckpoint(playerid))
GiveMission(playerid, random);
else return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""chat" Go to Military Base to get a mission");