

I've got some issues with setting the facing angle of dynamic actors.
When i set the angle, the actor dissapears for a few milliseconds (while the streamer set it to another pos and reset it to the new pos). My question is how to update the angle faster? I mean how to reduce this update time just for this update?

The reason the Streamer does that is that SetActorFacingAngle does not work correctly (it was fixed in 0.3.7DL though).
Actors have to be re-created to change their facing angle (or re-streamed).

The same happens to unoccupied Vehicles by the way.

See the note here:

I tried to recreate them - but the streaming after creating is similar when i set the angle.

Originally Posted by m4karow
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I tried to recreate them - but the streaming after creating is similar when i set the angle.
Hmm yes, dynamic actors are basically streamed through 2 instances.

One is the Streamer Plugin which creates/destroys them, and the second is SAMP's Streaming. As you may know from Vehicles and Players, it mostly takes 500-1000 ms until they get streamed in after a position change.

Not sure if you can do something about that unfortunately as they cannot really be forced to stream instantly.

One way would be creating the new actor, wait 500-1000 ms (until it streams in) and then destroy the old one, but not sure how well you can do that in regards of timing (maybe using On(Dynamic)ActorStreamIn, maybe a timer of 500 ms would work).

Nevermind then... I just made the 'singleplayer' fighting style training (https://*********/3kpF1dENiPk?t=1m36s) and it's so ugly when the actor dissapears for a few sec when i set his pos/angle. Maybe i'll use NPC-s for this, becouse there are only 3 fight trainers. Thanks anyway

Originally Posted by m4karow
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Nevermind then... I just made the 'singleplayer' fighting style training (https://*********/3kpF1dENiPk?t=1m36s) and it's so ugly when the actor dissapears for a few sec when i set his pos/angle. Maybe i'll use NPC-s for this, becouse there are only 3 fight trainers. Thanks anyway
I see, I guess NPCs would be perfect for that. You could make them move too, maybe it'd be a bit easier than using Actors as well.

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