16.03.2018, 15:03
Hello whoever is viewing this post, I have encountered a strange problem whenever I try to reorganize my inventory items, The inventory is organized right after giving the player the item so because of some certain problem, the item goes away which I cannot identify, I've tried to rewrite out my way of reorganizing but still no success.
Can someone tell me the problem why do I not get item?
Here is my code:
Updating Inventory (reorganizing etc and stacking items)
Giving items:
Without update playeri nventory part, the item I give comes to last slot and if I try to give again the item replaces the last slot so only the last slot is working without updating inventory.
This is my giveitem cmd:
My inventory cmd:
btw if your wondering, yes my inventory is full of unknown items as I am using a newly registered account with no items and give item keeps changing the item back to the unknown item
also sometimes when I give more than 1 amount of items, the unknown item value can be seen like Unknown Item (10) which indicates the itemID was changed not the amount and special etc.
Can someone tell me the problem why do I not get item?
Here is my code:
Updating Inventory (reorganizing etc and stacking items)
UpdatePlayerInventory(playerid) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] == false) return -1; for(new mi = 0; mi < MAX_PLAYER_ITEMS; mi++) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][iAmount][mi] < 1 && PlayerInfo[playerid][iItem] != 0) PlayerInfo[playerid][iItem] = 0; if(PlayerInfo[playerid][iItem][mi] == 0) { for(new miex = 0; miex < MAX_PLAYER_ITEMS; miex++) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][iItem][miex] != 0) { if(miex > mi) { PlayerInfo[playerid][iItem][mi] = PlayerInfo[playerid][iItem][miex]; PlayerInfo[playerid][iAmount][mi] = PlayerInfo[playerid][iAmount][miex]; PlayerInfo[playerid][iSpecial][mi] = PlayerInfo[playerid][iSpecial][miex]; PlayerInfo[playerid][iItem][miex] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][iAmount][miex] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][iSpecial][miex] = 0; } } } } else { for(new miex = 0; miex < MAX_PLAYER_ITEMS; miex++) { if(miex != mi) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][iItem][mi] == PlayerInfo[playerid][iItem][miex]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][iSpecial][miex] == PlayerInfo[playerid][iSpecial][mi]) { if(miex > mi) { PlayerInfo[playerid][iAmount][mi] += PlayerInfo[playerid][iAmount][miex]; PlayerInfo[playerid][iItem][miex] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][iAmount][miex] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][iSpecial][miex] = 0; } else if(mi > miex) { PlayerInfo[playerid][iAmount][miex] += PlayerInfo[playerid][iAmount][mi]; PlayerInfo[playerid][iItem][mi] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][iAmount][mi] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][iSpecial][mi] = 0; } } } } } } } return 1; }
GetFreeInventorySlot(playerid) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] == false) return -1; new slot = -1; UpdatePlayerInventory(playerid); for(new z = 0; z < MAX_PLAYER_ITEMS; z++) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][iItem][z] == 0) slot = z; } return slot; } GivePlayerItem(playerid, item, amount = 1, special = -1) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] == false) return -1; UpdatePlayerInventory(playerid); new slot = GetFreeInventorySlot(playerid); if(slot == -1) return 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][iItem][slot] = item; PlayerInfo[playerid][iAmount][slot] = amount; PlayerInfo[playerid][iSpecial][slot] = special; UpdatePlayerInventory(playerid); return 1; }
This is my giveitem cmd:
CMD:giveitem(playerid, params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Admin] < 3) return SFM(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You are not allowed to use that command!"); new target, itemid, amount, special; if(sscanf(params, "dddd", target, itemid, amount, special)) return SFM(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "[USAGE] giveitem [target-id] [itemid] [amount] [special(leave as -1)]"); if(!IsPlayerConnected(target)) return SFM(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Target is not connected!"); if(PlayerInfo[target][LoggedIn] == false) return SFM(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Target is not logged in!"); if(!strcmp("Unknown Item", GetItemName(itemid))) return SFM(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Invalid item id!"); if(special < -1) return SFM(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Special cannot be less than -1 and please set it -1 if you dont know what your doing!"); if(amount < 0) return SFM(playerid, COLOR_RED, "If you wish to remove an item then use /removeitem instead of /giveitem!"); new success = GivePlayerItem(target, itemid, amount, special); if(success == 0) return SFM(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Target does not have any free inventory space!"); new inStr[128]; format(inStr, 128, "%s has given you a %s (%d) (/inv).", RPName(playerid), GetItemName(itemid), amount); AdminMsgToPlayer(target, inStr); format(inStr, 128, COLOR_ADMINCOMMAND"You have given %s a %s (%d).", RPName(target), GetItemName(itemid), amount); SFM(playerid, 1, inStr); return 1; }
CMD:inv(playerid, params[]) { new stringa[512], stringtoo[64]; format(stringa, 512, ""); for(new zx = 0; zx < MAX_PLAYER_ITEMS; zx++) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][iAmount][zx] > 1) format(stringtoo, 64, "%s (%d)\n", GetItemName(PlayerInfo[playerid][iItem][zx]), PlayerInfo[playerid][iAmount][zx]); else format(stringtoo, 64, "%s\n", GetItemName(PlayerInfo[playerid][iItem][zx])); strcat(stringa, stringtoo); } ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_INVENTORY, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Inventory", stringa, "Select", "Close"); return 1; }
also sometimes when I give more than 1 amount of items, the unknown item value can be seen like Unknown Item (10) which indicates the itemID was changed not the amount and special etc.