Server rejecting damage updates

I've a very odd problem, server isn't registering the damage taken by the player, (Neither melee nor weapons), but the default damage like falling, etc, it takes only that damage, there is no return 0 in the OnPlayerTakeDamage/OnPlayerGiveDamage, I even tried removing those callbacks still not registering,.

I've to manually set player health and armour in The OPGD just like server sided damages. I'm tired finding the problem, I've even searched the codes of all SetPlayerHealth funcs but no clue.

Do you use any anticheat systems ? Did you check all the filterscripts and includes?

Originally Posted by PepsiCola23
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Do you use any anticheat systems ? Did you check all the filterscripts and includes?
The anti cheat systems are the one I've scripted, there's no problem in that, I've no filterscripts and includes are sscanf, streamer, evi, foreach, mSelection

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