Maps Section

No offence, but maps are everywhere in the FS and GM section. It's not as if they are gamemodes. Why isn't there a section for maps, this would save browsing a list full of things you are not exactly looking for. They are mostly tagged with [MAP], so a [GM] section is full of [MAP] tags, and the [FS] section is full of [MAP] tags too.

I love maps, but I don't want to browse a gamemode folder to find maps.


I support this.

I agree.

Would make it much easier to find maps, fs and gm's.


I'm sure there was a discussion on this a while back, but yeah I support this idea.

Yeah, even if this doesn't gets done, at least we can make a rule to put [MAP] or [GM] before subject name, so its easy to browse.

Regards, Adil.

It will be very usefull.

And also it could be nice if the mapping section would have its own categories of maps like maps for RP , maps for Dm, stunt etc.


It's a good idea, i hope someone from SA-MP Team will check this topic.

Create a support list?

I agree.... a section just for [MAP]'s is very very good. That way everyone will know ware to find maps, instead of searching arround on the places ware [SD]Rac3r mentioned.

Alltho i think moderators will have a hard time moving all the [Map]'s.
But in my opinion, this shall become real, it will be very usefull.

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