UCP De-hashing Help

Hello Guys i am using SHA256_PassHash to hash the password if a player registers on the server..
i am also working on UCP but there's a problem in Checking the hashed password plzz help me fixing it here's the code below.i am having problem in De-Hashing The Password On The Website For UCP

include 'dbh.inc.php';

if(isset($_POST['name'], $_POST['password'])) {

	$name = $_POST['name'];
	$password = $_POST['password'];
	$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE Name='$name'";
    $result = $conn->query($sql);
    if (empty($name && $password)) {
    	header("Location: ../page1.php?invalid=empty");
    } else {
        if($result->num_rows < 1) {
		header("Location: ../page1.php?invalid=login");
    } else {
    	$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
		//De-hashing the password
		$salt = "786t!t>D<QW*@!)#$>C)_Agdh";
		$hash1 = hash('sha256', $password . $salt);
		$hash = strtoupper($hash1);
		if ($row['Password'] == $hash) {
			header("Location: ../page1.php?login=success");
			$_SESSION['user-name']= $name;
		} else { 
			header("Location: ../page1.php?invalid=login");

Why not hash these password and compare them with database?

Originally Posted by Chocopie
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Why not hash these password and compare them with database?
What u mean can u show me how, well i have already done it i think
PHP код:
        //De-hashing the password
$salt "786t!t>D<QW*@!)#$>C)_Agdh";
$hash1 hash('sha256'$password $salt);
$hash strtoupper($hash1);
        if (
$row['Password'] == $hash) {
header("Location: ../page1.php?login=success");
$_SESSION['user-name']= $name;
        } else { 
header("Location: ../page1.php?invalid=login");

There's no such thing as "de-hashing", anything that is hashed can't be reversed back.

You save the player password hashed. Hash the entered password and compare as said above.

Ok got it but how to hash the input so that they are same.i know i have to go through the same aalgoritham but how to do it in PHP. I am using sha256_passwordhash. Please tell me

PHP код:
$hashedpw hash('sha256'$_SESSION['user-password']); //+ what ever your salt is
//compare hashedpw to the one in the database
//may not be valid code
$getuserpw $connection->prepare('SELECT `password` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = "$user-name");
if (password_verify($getuserpw , $hashedpw)) //or $row['
password'] i don't know
//do whatever
//do whatever

this code will not work but it is an example of what you're trying to do so don't copy and paste it

Originally Posted by rfr
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PHP код:
$hashedpw hash('sha256'$_SESSION['user-password']);
//compare hashedpw to the one in the database 
Ok what the use of PasswordSalt then which i used in script of gm
 #define PASSWORDSALT "any a
Salt here"
When password entered 
SHA256_PassHash(inputtext, PASSWORD_SALT, password, 64);
What is the use of it then in pHp

I think the problem it's on your gamemode samp server, when u hashing the password, NOT in your UCP "De-Hashing". I had this problem some time ago, and the problem was that, the hashing SHA256 on my server didn't return the same hashed string like the PHP version. I suggest you to post the method that you hashing the password on your gamemode, so we can figure out what's wrong.

Originally Posted by kingmk
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I think the problem it's on your gamemode samp server, when u hashing the password, NOT in your UCP "De-Hashing". I had this problem some time ago, and the problem was that, the hashing SHA256 on my server didn't return the same hashed string like the PHP version. I suggest you to post the method that you hashing the password on your gamemode, so we can figure out what's wrong.
I think u r right because i just make a code where i entered my password and try to see the hashed output and i saw that they are just not the same..
here is the code
PHP код:
$crypted hash('sha256',$password);

Originally Posted by Speaker
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I think u r right because i just make a code where i entered my password and try to see the hashed output and i saw that they are just not the same..
here is the code
PHP код:
$crypted hash('sha256',$password);
# You can use a_https.inc to hashing your password on samp server via internet.

Some others tips:

1) Don't make a script who De-hashing... You just need to hash the entered password and compare it with the hashed password stored in your DB.
2) Read this to make what I'v said on (#) -> https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=319574
3) Hashing a password in your samp server, will eat a lot of resources, so it may lagging when some players will requesting the hashing on same time. (I recomand use a_https.inc)
4) Also, i recommand you to create a GET on your PHP hashing, that will store a uniq CODE, like a password, to avoid spam. (You will use something like this "password=%s&algo=%s&data=%s", when u request the hashing )

Disadvantages -> Your login system will not work if the web server it's down.

Hope u understood.

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